What size heaters for a 75gal


New Member
I recently read I should use two heaters instead oft one. I currently have a 250watt Eheim Jager but it's over 10 years old so I was thinking about replacing it and adding another one. Are two 100 watt Eheim Jager heaters good enough for a 75gal?


i just got a used 75g tank and I also have one heater. Mine is in my sump, not in the tank. I'm starting to doubt it's heating ability though because our tank is still at 76 degrees. :/ I have my one heater set to 82 since I havent seen a temp change in the tank yet. What is yours set on?


Active Member
I run two heaters on my 90g tank, a 200w and a 250. They are hooked up to my controller to keep the temperature within .2 degrees. It works to keep my tank a solid 76.8 to 77.2 degrees. VERY nicely.