What size Nano?


I will def check CL.
I will def keep fish in a bucket separately from the live rock, lol.
Now my next question....
I am moving out of a duplex that I am renting from my mother- a family member is moving into the duplex I am in now and I am moving out end of september.
Do I buy the nano and start cycling now? I mean I won't be able to get it until the end of august or mid september. But atleast I would have the time to cycle the tank....because I would need new sand, etc.
Or do I wait until we move to start cycling the new tank so I just don't set up this new tank and have to take everything out anyways to move?


Active Member
Save some Water/sand/rock from your 55gallon and add to the new nano.. Doing that you will have no Cycle, or a very short one
Good luck


My family member is fine with me leaving the tank here for 2 weeks after the move- setting up the new tank at my place with old sand and water and then doing the transfer of the fish and rocks. Does that sounds like the best plan?
Also- how should I move them? I have read some threads but I am still sooo nervous about it. I know there is also a chance of loosing some of my stock.
I have read about putting the LR in a tub ( the big storage buckets) with water and a power head- where do I get a battery operated power head? Then the fish in a different bucket, etc.


Defeintly 29g!!! I have it and its the best bang for your byck! its amazing and has very easy matience.


So I went out today and looked at the biocube and the nanocube. I like the biocube better- need that extra 5gal for some reason :)
So here is my question- can I convert the back into a fuge like the nano??? I have no idea how to do this and need some help please :)