What size powerhead?



Hi all, I have a 420gal. and it has good flow but i want to add a powerhead just to add flow for one of the leathers. What size powerhead would you guys and gals use. (gph) Thanks all


Active Member
This is hard to say, depends on how close the pump is to the coral.....can use any size that big enough and move it closer or further to get the flow you want on that coral....


I got ya, the spot i will put it is close to the coral, so maybe i'll go with one that is less gph to play it safe. Thanks


If the tank already has good flow all over than you may not need anything. If you do, it doesnt need to be pumping water all that powerfully. If it will be aimed direclty at the coral, nothing too strong. The purpose of the water flow to the corals is really just to provide food and nutrients(probably knew that already) so you dont want to be blasting it with water.


Active Member
I recommend making your own spraybars. It is easy and cheap to do if you have a local hardware store. Just buy some 1/2" or so diameter pvc piping, some end caps, and that's it.
You can drill holes in the pvp piping, or just do like I did and use a saw to cut notches into the pipe which makes the water spray in lovely fan-shaped spouts.
Fitting the piping to the powerheads is a little more tricky. I didn't use any sort of glue. The powerhead spouts were larger in diameter than my piping, so I just whittled them down with a kife until they fit very snugly into the piping.
You can get really creative with your spraybar layout as well, but keep in mind that every 90 degree elbow you use drastically lowers the efficiency of the flow. I used no elbows at all and only put one 170gph powerhead per length of pipe. I even have piping in my rockwork that circulates the water all through the tank.