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Depends again on how much flow you want. The way I have mine set-up is the return nozzle (the piece in the display where the water comes out of) is pointed towards the surface to break any film and to keep my ph stable. Then I have a K1, on the opposite side aimed across the tank. When the two currents collide with each other I get some good random flow.
One of the reasons I replaced that back pump was because I wanted to increase the current in the back chambers. I keep chaeto in chamber 2 so I wanted pretty good current moving through it. Let me know if you need a better explanation
Awesome, thank you for the very clear explanation. If you don't mind I'll probably copy your set up - I like the idea of the collision-caused water movement.
You say "it depends on how much flow I want" but therein lies the problem.... I don't KNOW how much flow I want! This will be my first shot at a reef tank so I guess it depends on what type of livestock I have in there. At this point, nothing, since I am cycling. I guess it will be important to arrange things so that I have a little of each, low, medium and high flow. Kinda covers all bases.
Thank God for you guys!