What size tank and how much live sand ???


I have a small clown trigger, medium sized lionfish and a small dogface. There are all juves, except for the lionfish who has grow very rapidly. I currently have a 55gal and i know i need a new tank, but what size should i get?? also i currently have CC and thinking about going to live sand. so what is the rule again for how much live sand and also how do you clean ur tank with LS??? I am currently just using a vaccum on the CC and i kno that wouldn't work to well with sand. thanks


well i would go around 125 and that should keep them happy, a 150+ would be very good, and i would keep the crushed coral under the live sand and put the live sand on top of that with about 4 40lb bags


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If you put crushed coral and then sand on top of it the crushed coral will make it's way to the surface, much like rocks do in you backyard.


iv got live sand in my tank and dont vacume didnt think u had to the lil bugs and stuff keep it pritty clean
IMO I wouldn't go with the cc with the sand just use one or the other. I have used both and so far a 3" deep sand bed has worked best. If you mix them the sand will sift to the bottom and you will be left with crushed coral. A lot of people will tell you that you can get spikes with cc. Also you wont have to vacum the sand, you want most of the critters that will grow in it.