What size tank is this?


I was wondering how many gallons is a tank 6'x 2'?? And if I were to sell this tank,what would be a fair asking price?

mandarin w

Well that would depend on what the hieght of the tank is,
If the tank is 72x24x24=180gallons
72x24x30=around a 220gallon, This is a guess. The 72in long x 24inch front to back come in several different depths. 18,22,24.30, and then there are you custom tanks sizes.
As far as worth, a used tank is only worth about $1-$2 a gallon. It is only if you have the stand, canopy, and other equipment that you might be able to make any money. And even then, it depends on how nice and clean everything is.


Sorry...the height is 30" and there is a stand,not in terrific shape,but with a lil' work it can be,no canopy,but does have an overflow box,and a wet dry filter...and thanks for the replys people,all info is appreciated

mandarin w

I would say if the tank is 72x24x30 you probly have a 220gallon. As for saleing it. I would start off asking $1000. You may get it, you may not. It is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. We have a guy in our area that has been trying to sell his 172 gallon bowfront for a little while now. The price he is asking for it isn't outragous. It is more of a market for a tank that size.
Unfortantly it is a lot easier to sell a 120 than it is to sell a 180 or 220. These you almost have to give away as far as what they are worth. Good Luck.