What size tank should I use for my refugium?


I am making my first reef tank in a 180 gallon. I would like to make a refugium for it but not sure what size tank I should use. If I keep my w/d sump system, which I would like to do, I will have an available space under my tank of 37"L x 14"w x 46" high. If I dont use my w/d sump system I will have an available space of 60"L x 14w x 46" high. These availabe spaces that I have given are the total space available under my tank. So, I am not sure if I can take up all the space or if I will need some of it in the future for a chiller or some other piece of equipment. I dont have my permanent lights yet so I dont know if I even will need a chiller. Thanks everyone, Happy new year.

bang guy

What are you expecting your refugium to do for you? This will help determine the MINIMUM size needed.
For example, You can grow Caulerpa and bugs in something as small as 2 gallons but if you're looking for a DSB for nitrate control you'll need a couple of square feet.


mmync i set up a 180 also and used a 50gal tank that i had left over. divided it aproxx 70/30 with the fuge bigger than the sump side, actually working out great.


Wow, good question. I dont know anything about refugium's so I cant tell you what I want it for. I guess I am willing to make it how ever you guys recommend so it will give me the best quality and stable reef tank. My tank is still cycling so I cant say exactly what I want to try to control. Just the best all around refugium. I know that probably doesnt tell you a whole lot. Sorry for being such a newbie:confused:

bang guy

Don't appologize for asking questions :p That's why you're here, eh?
For "the best quality and stable reef tank" well, I have a 900 gallon refugium and it keeps my reef REALLY stable. It supplies ALL of the Coral food.


What does growing Caulerpa actually do? I thought I read that it takes the stuff or food needed out of the water that algae competes for this leaving you tank pretty much algae free? Do you find this to be the case? Also do you find that you do not get much algae growth on you glasss when growing Caulerpa?
I have a 55 gal. tank. I aventually want to build a sump and a refugium. I was hoping to have them in one a sump with part of it being the refugium. Is this a good way to go?

bang guy

I think what Sebae was referring to is a really good idea. Much less chance of an overflow if everything is in one tank.
As far as Growing Macro, yes it is very good at removing Phosphate from the water column. I believe it may also sequester other nasties like aluminum, Tin and Copper.
The dusting you refer to are most likely Diatoms. They're just as good at finding nutrients as the Macro algae so you'll still need to scrape your glass. The Macro definately outcompetes hair, Cyano, and the like.