what size tank?


hi i want to house the following.
1) porcupine puffer
2) zebra moray
3) banded cat shark
4) and mabey a volatin lion fish.
so will all of these get along?
and what size tank?
i was thinking a 240 or 300?
what kind of filtration would i need?


I don't know about your specific puffer, but I do know that puffers are known for nipping at fins. Your banded shark would be his favorite target The puffer might not be the right fit. Again, I don't know about this specific puffer though. Sharks and rays have a hard time with aggressive tankmates. The 240 gal would be large enough for you, if it is the 240 long at 8 ft.


Active Member
all will be good in a 240 except the shark if you must have the shark you need 300 min
but word of caution sharks do not house well with non shark species


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
all will be good in a 240 except the shark if you must have the shark you need 300 min
but word of caution sharks do not house well with non shark species
i disagree.
A coral cat shark can live in a 240gal for life. No porcupine puffer in a tank with sharks or rays or lions


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefer123
hi i want to house the following.
1) porcupine puffer
2) zebra moray
3) banded cat shark
4) and mabey a volatin lion fish.
so will all of these get along?
and what size tank?
i was thinking a 240 or 300?
what kind of filtration would i need?
Why not a coral cat shark? They get like 2ft for adults