What snails should I get?


I have a 30 gallon reef...I have some algae growing, cant tell if its hair or bryopsis...I only have like 2 snails and need more. Would you get Certh, Nerite, or margarita snails? I was told Certh and nerite are good...also that margarita eat really well too. I cant make up my mind. Also, im getting about 20 hermit crabs (blue leg) and a lawn mower blenny. Do you think these things would help?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jden092901
I have a 30 gallon reef...I have some algae growing, cant tell if its hair or bryopsis...I only have like 2 snails and need more. Would you get Certh, Nerite, or margarita snails? I was told Certh and nerite are good...also that margarita eat really well too. I cant make up my mind. Also, im getting about 20 hermit crabs (blue leg) and a lawn mower blenny. Do you think these things would help?
Personally i have a wide variety .


i like turbos the best cuz you see them alot more. but i have like 4 or 5 different types in my tank. what one doesnt get another one eats.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by 1990jpyj
i like turbos the best cuz you see them alot more. but i have like 4 or 5 different types in my tank. what one doesnt get another one eats.
I hate my turbos...they turn into large bulldozers,and have knocked over more things in my tank.......


That's kinda what I thought...now, the other question. I have read and been told not to get hermit crabs. I like them, I think there fun to watch, more then snails anyhow...I was told they will eat your snails. Should I avoid hermit crabs? Just getting snails or just hermit crabs? Sorry guys...just want to make sure I dont buy the wrong things.


Active Member
I keep nassaurius vibex (keeping crap out of the sand helps reduce algae growth) strombus macalatus, a couple turbo dozers, I mean grazers. and a few emerald crabs for plucking algae that gets too big for the snails.


I keep Cortez Red Leg Hermit Crabs (aka, Mexican Red Legs) in my reef tank. They're great janitors and they don't bother any of my snails (even the tiny Pacific Nerites).


the tank i have my turbos in dosnt have to much for them to knock over.there arnt any corals in the tank its a FOWLR so i dont have to worry about it. as far as the hermits eating the snails they probly will, a way to try and stop that is by buying small hernits and large snails and then having alot of different sizes shells in there for the hermits to move.


Active Member
Variety is the best...
Nass. will stir the sand, Cerith clean glass, etc.
Avoid 20 Hermits.. a couple if you really want them, but not 20.
Also I personally would avoid a LMB in a 30 gallon. They actually can grow quite big and I'm not sure it would have enough food long term.


Active Member
Astraea are great for keeping the live rock clean (or trochus if your worried about them being flipped over. I have never had a problem with them falling unless I knock them off myself). Cerith go everywhere, a good all purpose snail. nassarius for the sand if you really need them. fighting conch are better for sand dingy from diatoms. DO NOT buy margarita snails. they are temperate water snails and dont live long in reef like temps. I dont know why they are sold so frequently given our tanks are 10deg too hot for them.
If you have bryopsis nothing typical is going to eat it. I have it barely, I keep it at bay very well with manual pruning and phosphate/nutrient control (if you walked up to my tank you wouldn't notice it unless you were looking hard for it). its never completely gone though, singular strands here and there pop from out live rock cracks and so forth. once a week with water changes I go thru the tank with tweezers and pull those out. I didn't even know I had it til I read some articles with pictures and noticed the feathery tops. I was like oh
I never had a noticeable outbreak or any growing in patches or very tall so it didn't even cross my mind I had a potential problem until I began reading some of the horror stories. my snails dont touch it.