What softies can I keep?


I have a 55 at the office under 2 t5 corallife I think they are around 54 watts each.
My 90 at home has around 216 t5 ho's. Mostly looking to add some color to this tank. Wife says not enough color. I have some rics in it now. Just looking for bright color ideas that is easy to keep.


Zoanthids/palythoas.. they come in every color under the sun and some grow colonys very quickly.
There are some discosoma mushroom that come in greens, blue, purple, red.
Sea sponges, they are brightly colored greens, oranges, reds, etc... but they are a bit special needs in there handling(just dont expose to the air) and are a filter feeder. But no light required
Trumpet/candycane corals


Thanks just wanted to make sure the ric's and zoos would work at the office. I am looking at some of the "colored" leathers as well.


I have a frogspawn, zoas and rics in my office nano under compact fluorescents and they're doing fine.
I bet you can keep a monti cap under those lighting conditions without a problem.