What sort of filtration with no sump?



I am moving so I want to reset up my 29 gallon tank in my apartment and taking down my 55 gallon. I dont have any room or stand to be able to use a sump/fuge so I am basically doing a tank with lr, ls, fish, zoos, shrooms, whatever else is the easier to care for corals/softies.
I was thinking of just using 2 top line HOB filters, not sure what brands but I think 2 would fit or just get 1 of them the smaller model.
With water changes every weekend or 2 weeks I think it would be ok since it would be a small bioload 2-3 fish tops. Also will have an auto top off so water doesnt drop.
What do you think I should do?


Active Member
There is no reason it shouldn't work.
Believe it or not before the concept of having 2 grand worth of equipment and filtration people did keep SW tanks. If you look back over the older literature regarding SW tanks the norm was small, one or two gallon water changes every other day or so. Just a tad more difficult and time consuming as watering a house plant.With the higher quality salt mixes available today this routine would work even better IMO and eliminate the need for any expensive additives. Just make sure you use a mix designed for reefs.
I would however invest in a RO/DI unit and a few tubs and keep change water and top off water on hand 24/7. It often gets said that with smaller setups water quality problems can come on quickly. It should also be pointed out that these water quality problems can be taken care of just as quickly with the ability to change a large percentage of the tanks volume in a short time with a small amount of new change water.
I have seen spectacular 29 gallon displays that have put me to mind of considering a downsizing of my own setup. Good luck.


Active Member
A few other things I would consider for this size/type setup (I just recently started one for my brother)
The iron stands for 29 gals are relatively inexpensive and a twenty gallon long fits perfectly in the lower section of these stands if you do wish to add a small sump in the future.
Use a low profile rubbermaid container for a drip pan and set the stand right in it. Its inevitable that at one point there will be some spillage and this pan will catch it. It can be disguised easily with a little DIY carpentry.
I have heard of two different auto top off setups malfunctioning in just the year I have been back in the hobby. I would suggest an IV drip with a weak solution of kalkwasser for top offs. Believe it or not a drip per second is the average tanks evaporation loss. AT any rate it will not take long to get a handle on the proper drip rate and kalk solution.
I will try to add a pick of the 29 gal system I setup for my brother later today to hopefully give you an idea what I am talking about


Thanks for the advice, I havent decided on all my equipment just researching still. I was going to set up my 45+55 combo and had a custom stand and fuge/sump I made. Those will have to wait until I can be home though.
Right now I have a 250w heater, not sure if that would be to much though. I basically have to buy everything. Lights for soft corals, filters, powerheads. I have about 70 pounds lr so I have lots I can choose to use!
Yeah post a pic that would be sweet. I found some awsome auto DIY topoff systems using water coolers and those 5 gallon drinking type things. I might buy a stand to hold electronics and the auto top off water, no sump yet though. I have a Typhoon III RO/DI unit but I dont think I have anywhere to hook it up to make water, because I think its supposed to keep running and stuff.


hey, I too am an apartment dweller and I keep a 29gal. I have a HOB skimmer and a HOB Millenium 3000 filter and my sytem has been up an running fine for about 3 months (still young I know). I keep 30lb LR, 2" LS, 4 fish, shrooms, GSP's & some zoos. But I dont do Kalk, I do weekly B-ionic and Kent essential elements, everything looks good...so just my 2cents


hey Sonic can you post a link/pics of the DIY top off stuff you found? I'm still doing it by hand and its a pain!! let me know


Im not to good..what is B-onic?
Let me see if I can find this link.


im not too good either dude...most of what ive learned ive learned on these boards!! B-ionic is a 2 part aquarium dose, an additive you put in once a week, you can look it up online. its pretty complete and from what I have been told/experienced its enough for softies/shrooms etc. I may be wrong but kalk is more of a nececity for stony corals and more delicate ones...me I keep the guerrilla species that can stand some abuse!


Active Member
Photos are of the 29gl system I set up for my brother who thankfully lives just a couple of doors down from me.
I think the important part here would be to spend the money on a stand and all the rest of the stuff you see could be added as you can afford it and you will have a place to put it. The emperor 400 you see in the sump part of the system would work for hanging on your setup and then moved to sump if you add one or your existing filters would suffice for that matter. Adding a sump will give you a place for equipment like this which can get pretty ugly looking when you have to place it in such a small display.
What you have in mind is quite doable even without a sump the frequent water changes would suffice for a system like you have in mind. Incorporating a deep sand bed like you see in the photos will go a long way in keeping nitrates under control in case you skip a few water changes.



Thats very nice, maybe I would eventually do that. I know I will have equipment in the display which isnt the best looking, but for now it should do, just get some sweet rockwork and can cover most of it. I am going to look at ***** at some stands so maybe I will see something and can test fit tanks while I am there. If not I will got to my LFS and look around. But for now I dont really mind to much the filters hanging in the tank, but your bro has a nice mild setup.


Thats a nice set up, congrats. I'll see if I can find some pics of my set up and post them so you can have an idea. I run 3 ph's in mine for flow and am able to hide them amongst the rocks, the only one I dont hide is a wavemaker ph in the corner that sweeps over the tank. 29 is a good size, you can do cool stuff...I upgraded from a 10gal set up, that was a PAIN!!!


I upgraded from a 29 gallon to a 55 gallon with a 45 sump!!!!!
ha now I have to re downsize :cheer:


Active Member
If you were to see the 29 gal setup the LFS has that I buy my corals from we probably would never have gone to all the expense of the larger setups to begin with :joy: Its packed with LR nearly to the top with LPS and SPS and a pair of mated percs and a mandarin.
With my electric rates going up, cost of salt mix for water changes on the my big system and most of my interest gravitating toward coral rather than fish I am giving serious consideration to changing things to a system like what I set up for the brother.
Having larger fish to feed and dealing with there waste product in the way of keeping a handle on water quality starts to become a drag in more ways than one. The LR I could sell off from my larger system would take care of all expense. Only problem is I would have to figure a way to hang two 48 inch light fixtures over a 29 gal tank. At any rate I would quite sure there was enough light on the tank.


Yeah I know what you mean. I think I will try it with 2 HOB filters for now maybe, I am just debating how it would look on the back

I could just use my overflow+durso standpipe and have it drain to a 10 gallon where I can put both filters on a side with a return pump I have one of those also already. Just need pvc pipe. The overflow and pump are rated same speeds I think 950gph capability ha!