What SPS to mix in with LPS tank?


How many of you are keeping SPS with your predominantly LPS tank? Which ones do you keep? What extra effort has it required?


Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
How many of you are keeping SPS with your predominantly LPS tank? Which ones do you keep? What extra effort has it required?
just keep them away from the lps.
the lps always wins in a fight!
a good rule when you have both, is to get rid of all the critters that like knocking your frags over. it only takes a short while for a sps frag to be devoured by an acan


I'm already pee-pee'd off at a couple of huge snails I have. Might as well donate them to the LFS before they do something again.


Active Member
encrusting monti's don't get knocked over that often due to their shape. but a seritophora will get gobbled up by most lps easily if pushed into it.
i can tell you from experience. i have an ora green polyp birdsnest. i had one twice the size before it fell into an acan lord. it had to be only about an hour or so....when i pulled them apart, it felt like fly paper was attached to the colony. rrriiiiippp. and there was half a birdsnest, and half of a completely bleached white birdsnest skeleton.


Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
BTW, I'm most interested in Montipora varieties, if that matters??? Maybe a birdsnest..??
Birds are tougher to keep than caps IMHO. I would suggest an orange or green monti cap to get in the groove of SPS. Or some digitatats or even stylophoras for a brancher.


all i got is 2 small frags of porcillipora. i have them glued to a piller of LR so they are in front of a power head for extra flow and cant be knocked over


Active Member
Originally Posted by morval
all i got is 2 small frags of porcillipora. i have them glued to a piller of LR so they are in front of a power head for extra flow and cant be knocked over

don't put them directly in front of a powerhead. random flow is best, but if you can't do that, try to ricochet flow off of the glass or something. they don't seem to like to be directly infront of powerheads


they are actually doing a lot better now than where the were b4 in moderate flow. there not right next to the PH just in the main stream of it. the were starting to bleach and now they are fully colored so they seem to like the move


Originally Posted by forddna
What about Montipora Capricornis - Leaf Plate Monti?
Yes, this is what Grouper was suggesting and it would be a great SPS to start with. I've seen them grown in a very wide variety of conditions, and they make a very interesting and "showy" type of coral.


Cool. That was specifically what I had in mind.

So they don't necessarily need the pristine water like most SPS?


Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
So they don't necessarily need the pristine water like most SPS?
They're more forgiving when it comes to water quality than most, but you should still make sure that all of your parameters are good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mr_X
just keep them away from the lps.
the lps always wins in a fight!
a good rule when you have both, is to get rid of all the critters that like knocking your frags over. it only takes a short while for a sps frag to be devoured by an acan

lost my watermelon challis when a turbo knocked into an acan


Although snails do serve their purpose, they do tend to make me nervous as well. Anyways, back on track with the original post... I agree that montipora caps tend to be the easiest/most forgiving sps corals (plus they have really cool growth patterns), but i would still try to keep your parameters stable and in check! hope that helps some and good luck!


xdfireguy, thats also very good advice, as i just had to recently move a chalice as its tenticles were getting too close to other corals for comfort.


Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
Cool. That was specifically what I had in mind.

So they don't necessarily need the pristine water like most SPS?
When you get over to get some candy canes...I'll break you off a piece of the Orange cap.