what substate should I use for f/o tank?


If it's fish only then i would do a shallow sand bed or bare bottom. It will be easier to maintain a bare bottom.

nm reef

Active Member
I'd avoid crushed coral(cc) and personally I prefer caribsea sands. Lots of people use bare bottom systems with success...but I like the function and appearence of a aragonite based sand bed.


Active Member
take it from me~! i started off with CC, and it turned into a freakin mess!!! go with the LS, its soo much nicer to look at and you get much more benefits from it, i wish i would have known about this board before i started my tank. good luck todd also NM Reef would you please check my message about Lights on this board, i really need some help there. thanx todd


New Member
Hi I am fairly new to the hobby. I currently have a 125 w/cc. I'm wondering why everyone is fairly against it? I chose cc due to the fact that I am using undergravel filters, at first I wanted sand, as I liked the appearance, but I didn't want sand to destroy the powerheads. please let me know what you think


Active Member
it wont destroy the powerheads and eventually that undergravel filter will be useless and more trouble than its worth


Active Member
I would think that an undergravel filter would work better with cc, than sand?? but i know mine sure looks better with the sand, but thats just my opinion, to each his own. welcome to the Boards vkmcmahon, best wishes to ya todd


New Member
I do have a question...I think that I read somewhere that CC leads to problems w. High Nitrates....which I'm currently experiencing....is there any truth to this?...I have currently moved my fish to a QT tank...and would love to reduce an chance of a nitrate problem in the future.


Active Member
i had some trouble with that also, buit i havnt had any trouble since then, but i also changed filtration systems about a month before i changed over from cc to ls . todd