What supplements to add?


Just want to find out what everyone is using as supplements for their tanks! I just got mine set up a month ago (but got my sand/water/rocks from VERY established tank-already have copepods!!!!!:D ) Anyway, I feed DT's phytoplankton, formula 2, and I recently started adding Iron. My dad suggest getting the iron/mag that kent marine makes, just thought I would find out what you use!
I have in my tank (10 gal)
2 false percs
various snails/blue legged hermits
emerald crab
bubble tip anemone
various other life forms that keep showin up :)
Thanks for your input!!!


Kent phytoplex, kent zooplex, kent kalkwasser, kent superbuffer dkh (if pH and alk are low), kent liquid calcium, kent strontium and manganese, selcon for food.
Becareful about adding iodine to your system. If you add too much, your inverts may mold too much and die.


If you dont want to buy all that....
kent makes a "nano-reef" supplement that has 2 bottles part A & B it seems to be doing wonders for my tank.


Originally Posted by ReefNut
Water changes + Fish Food = all you should need :)
true :yes:
but IMO if you have a 10 gallon tank stuffed full of coral than you may need to dose a little bit


reef nut, your right.
in the current situation, regular waterchanges + fish food will be all you need
But, I would also like to note that I was once told the same thing. I started adding corals and after about a year my tank was what I considered to be "stuffed full of coral". All the time I was adding new corals I had noticed the growth of my other corals was slowing down. About a month ago I started adding kents nano reef supplement and my corals have taken off and are growing like crazy


I eventually want a 10g "stuffed full of coral" and then a bigger one....and a bigger one...and a bigger one :)
I'm just out sifting for what other people use. Hadn't found any threads where people talked about supplementing, so thought I'd asl. I am pretty new to this awesome hobby and am trying to find out what works for others.


Active Member
I have a tendency to agree with ReefNut. Keep up with the water changes and feed sparingly and you'll avoid 95% of most problems. The less you suppliment, the less you have to test for :eek:


Active Member
Big tank, little tank, full tank or empty tank... most of the products sold are sold to take our money, not to help our systems. If you added and followed the directions on all the available supplements there would be no water left in the tank.
Really though, test for calcium, alkalinity and magnesium... add if necessary and as often as nessesary. Keep up a good water change schedule and do not over feed.


Originally Posted by ReefNut
What is in kents nano reef supplement?? I can't find it!!

Guaranteed analysis:
calcium 1650.0 mg/oz
magnesium 75.0 mg/oz
strontium 5.8 mg/oz
potassium 21.2 mg/oz
iron 0.124 mg/oz
I know that it is more than likely that it's the added calcium that is helping my tank.
my tank did wonderfully for over a year with no supplements whatsoever. just water changes. All I'm saying is when I started adding this stuff about a month ago I have noticed more new growth than I was before.


Active Member
I understand :) . Sence you're adding calcium you should test your calcium levels to see where they are and also test for and add alkalinity if needed. A balance needs to be maintained between calcium and alkalinity... if you continue to just add calcium w/o alkalinity you will have problems down the road.


Active Member
There are so many loyalists out there Kent should start giving away stickers with each purchase
"Sponsered By Kent"
so people can put them on the side of their tanks.


the part B is a alk buffer/supplement
I think we all need a sticker that reads:
"powered by SWF.com message board"


just curious...i have a seachem calcium test kit and i was wondering if there is any other reliable test kit that doesn't require so many stepsas this one does? thnx


Active Member
avbryce1, that's appears to be a good additive. Two part solutions seem to be a easy very effective way to maintain calcium and alkalinity and even the trace elements that come in them. I would still highly recommend testing your alkalinity and calcium to ensure they are at the correct levels.
annanymous, I'm not really familiar with the seachem kits but Salifert makes a great kit. It's three steps and very easy to read.