What supplements to add?


another qustion, i add liq. calcium from seachem everyday, yet my calcium level stays at around 400, and never had an inch of coraline growth. any sugestions? maybe i should stop adding it everyday and slow down. i have few LPS in my tank. octobubble, hammer, candy cane, and blastomussa. thanx


I just purchased that nano reef supplement. What should I be testing for other than my ammonia, ph, and nitrates? And what should my lvls be at for the others if any in a 10 gallon tank?


New Member
I would test for ph, alk, calcium, bi weekly after Awhile you will get to know how much your tank requires and then when comfortable maybe start testing weekly or bi weekly also note when adding new corals ie:lps,sps or clams test regularly to become familiar again with the intake of the animal(s)