What supplements to add?


Active Member
Okay sounds good.
An alk of 2.5 is a little low. If you can get that up to about 3.50, that may bring your calcium down to a reasonable level.


Active Member
Hm, that calcium is a bit high. I would try playing with it, buffering the alkalinity and seeing how low you can get the calcium without taking the alk above 4.29.


Active Member
Will do, what buffer do you suggest?
Also, would it be bad to use this water? Need to do a waterchange this weekend?


Active Member
Is this for a reef tank? Fish only with live rock tank?
I like either Kent's Super dkH buffer or SeaChem's reef builder. This site sells both of them, I believe.


Active Member
i'll look into them, thanks.
Nano reef
24aquapod, just some zoos, star polyps, ect. nothing special, right now.


Active Member
You should be fine using it for that, then. The only time I would not use it is if you had a heavily stocked SPS or LPS tank.


Active Member
Yes, testing for magnesium is also a good idea.
The highest I would let the calcium go is 480 ppm, while you do not want the alk higher than 4.29.


Active Member
Originally Posted by larryndana
besides ammonia, trites, trates, ph, alk, cal, and now magnesium. what else do you suggest testing for?
That's all I test for. You may also want to test for phosphates if you have algae problems.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
pH - 8.2-8.4
kH - 8-12 dkH, OR 143-214 ppm OR 2.86 - 4.29 meq/l (depending on what your kit reads in)
calcium - 400-450 ppm
magnesium - 1200-1250 ppm

so keep my alk and cal within these levels....and this will keep my ph in check correct. I haven't read all of that post you suggested to read, i will though. also where does magnesium fit here. what will this help, i haven't read much about it.