what tang for a 125



what tang can I have in a 125 that will not outgrow it
Kole tang ? any others
anything from ctenochaetus genus.zebrasoma, except for sailfin is good, mimic eibli and lemonpeel are good. a hippo tang might work, im not sure.


Active Member
any Zebrasoma or Ctenochaetus with the exception of the sailfins, Zebrasoma veliferum and Zebrasoma desjardini will never outgrow a 125.


I really wanted a blue hippo tang but I heard they get up to like 14 inches I have no lfs to return it to


Originally Posted by markeo99
I really wanted a blue hippo tang but I heard they get up to like 14 inches I have no lfs to return it to
a 125 is a suitable home for a hippo, imo.
Originally Posted by ci11337
any Zebrasoma or Ctenochaetus with the exception of the sailfins, Zebrasoma veliferum and Zebrasoma desjardini
will never outgrow a 125.
zabrasoma veliferum and desjardini are the sailfin tangs, which will outgrow a 125


Active Member
Originally Posted by NEreef
a 125 is a suitable home for a hippo, imo.
Hippo Tangs, IME, might be fine for a 125 too. It depends on what you get. A buying a large 7"+ Hippo will probably not work in a 125. However buying a smaller specimen and it "growing into" the 125 should work. The problem is there is a real absence of 'medium' Hippo tangs. They usually those tiny .5"-2" ones I do not recommend purchasing, or big 6"+ Hippos that would make a 125 look like a nano.
Originally Posted by niskyvaulter

zabrasoma veliferum and desjardini are the sailfin tangs, which will outgrow a 125
I'm pretty sure that's exactly what ci11337 meant. All Zebras except
Veliferum's and Desjardini's will work in a 125.


Active Member
that is what i meant. And the person asked which tangs will not out grow a 125. While a hippo could be kept in a 125 it would outgrow it.


Active Member
Yellow Tang, Kole tang, Purple Tang, Hippo Tang, Powder blue tang, Powder brown tang, Sailfin tang, Mimic Elibi tang.. To name a few


Active Member
You could also try a gold rim. About the same size as a powder blue or brown but harder to keep. But given the right conditions (well established tank) and the BEST diet you can give a fish they are doable. They are deffiantely not a beginners fish.


Active Member
While some will say a hippo will work, I'd probably steer clear unless you get a juvenile and grow it out, but even then it might get too big (they get to 12"). Certain smaller acanthurus will work, such as a powder blue/brown, convict, or mimic, and I'll agree with the others that most zebrasomas and ctenochaetus should do fine, but keep in mind that acanthurus and zebrasomas get somewhat territorial with other tangs after they've been in the tank solo for a while.


what other requirements do I need to meet foodwise its my first tang and I hear they eat vegies


lots of rock is important. i would also offer some dried seaweed (from your grocery store) rubberbanded to a rock daily. formula 2 is a good vegatable based frozen food.


Powder browns are really nice, but for the money IMO, I would get a
Kole tang and a yellow tang.
They are stunning opposites and will help keep your tank nice and
diatom free.
They are very hardy, you can get both aquacultured, and they both have
the same temperment.
My tangs love everything I feed them, but esp. Nori and spirulina.
I never get bored watching my tangs zip around the tank constantly
eating and moving.
Good luck