what tang should I add to my tank


I was thinking of a purple tang or 3 yellow tangs will they fight in a 55 gallon?:thinking: :)


Active Member
I really hate to be the one to dash your dreams here, but if you are serious about that, I would have to say none of them. A 55g, if it is a 4 ft tank may possibly house 1 yellow tang (maybe...depending on rock and swimming room that is left), but I would advise against it. If you really want a tang, maybe a kole tang only, as they stay the smallest.
Ideally, I would recommend not getting a tang in your set up. There are a lot of other colorful fish out there that may appeal to you.


Active Member
Sorry to agree with the bad news. One in a 55 will eventually too much. Most tangs need a 6 foot tank to swim. I have a blue hippo in a 72 gallon, but he will be going into a 180 gallon that I also have. Sorry again.


I would have to concur with the general census above. I myself have a chevron, regal and small yellow in a 75, but they are merely growing out to be put in my 180. A full size tang in a 55 is way too crowded.


Unfortunately you need at least three of the same species to be social towards one another. There must be numbers to invoke their schooling behavior. Other wise they'll slaughter each other usually. Now a yellow and a regal would be fine due to the different shape and ect..., but not two of the same type unless it's a very large tank.


Thats iffy too, plus the fact that regals get too big for anything less than a 125gallon. Tangs require lots of space to stretch out and swim.


one of my relatives has a large puple tang and medium yellow in a 35 gallon they have been living healthy and colorful for months loaded with rock and 3 big corals(I might get the picture soon):eek:


Active Member

Originally posted by Asbury030
how many gallons should a sailfin tang be in? and also what about a blue angel.

IMO, 125g or bigger for either


Active Member

Originally posted by DBGT
one of my relatives has a large puple tang and medium yellow in a 35 gallon

Sad, sad, sad. I always hate it when I hear about this stuff.


Active Member
No really, If you like yellow and purple.....Why don't you go for a pair of purple firefish, a lemonpeel angelfish, some type of colorful fairy wrasse, and a blenny of some sort. My favorite is the bicolor blenny as they will eat almost anything.
In a tank of this size you could probably only keep one pygme angel as they do not mix well.....there are some other pretty pygme angels like the flame or the coral beauty. Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp add a lot of color and are fun to watch. Maybe a clown fish or two. Lesley


I have an orbirculate bat, yellow tang, coral beauty, 1 chromis ,2 skunk cleaner shrimp, 2 blood red fire shrimp.You are all probably right I should get alarger tank if I want another tang,I was thinking of getting a neon goby or 2.will they fight with a blenny.Is there anything else I could get.


:confused: I waasn't really suggesting a regal and a yellow in a 55. I was merely giving an example of two tangs to keep together in small numbers. I wouldn't keep but just one tang in a 55 gallon tank and this being a kole or yellow at that.
DBGT, I have to agree with karajay. That's just pathetic. You do know these fish are open water fish which like large open spaces to swim and frolic.

Just because the fish fits into the tank doesn't mean it's a big enough tank slick.


Active Member
this post continues to illustrate that people ask questions AFTER they do things. Also reading has become a lost art I suppose becuase if they would have read any S/W book, it would have been clear that these fish loads will not work over time.......hope the hobby survives.


the bat is only 6 inches tall now. I will be moving him to a larger tank soon maybe
300 gallon