what tank size for a whale?


Active Member
It can be done if you're a specialist in marine life, you have an aquarium as big as a house, and you can afford to feed it.


Active Member
Whales grow faster than any other marine animal too...It also depends what kidn of whale you're talking about, and if you have a 40985309587309860983069 gallon tank.


Active Member
50,000G at minimum you know what talk to florida and see if you can get some ocean front property and just block off part of the ocean with cement walls then you've got yourself a whale tank


It can be done if you're a specialist in marine life, you have an aquarium as big as a house, and you can afford to feed it.


Active Member
Ya I watched a show on the Disc Chan and it was in the Millions of gallons...
It can and is being done. I think it cost like 10 Million...so it's not impossible, but for the common blue collar man it is. The electric bill alone would be $100,000+/mon


Active Member
Shizzam! ...Think about what it would take to filter that thing! Think about hwo much Lr and/or rock you would have to buy to make it look halfway descent!! OMG


Active Member
Originally Posted by sw65galma
Ya I watched a show on the Disc Chan and it was in the Millions of gallons...
It can and is being done. I think it cost like 10 Million...so it's not impossible, but for the common blue collar man it is. The electric bill alone would be $100,000+/mon

I dont think there would really be that high of an electric bill saying that the person is smart enough not to put a roof over the tank.


Just build your house on the beach next to the ocean, then have all concrete from demolition projects dumped into the ocean and build yourself a nice horseshoe reef around your home. Let nature take care of the sunshine and leave some areas for water to come and go out of your new play pen. Scuba diving gear extra.


jayinvegas I would say in no less than a 6 million gallon tank. Here is my blue whale peter.
He currently eats squid, barracudas, plankton, and people from the IRS.


when I use to have my baby orca whale, I kept him in a one million gallon tank. He use to eat fish like a pig all the time. I could play with him and he would give me free rides. One of the best animals I use to have.
All you need is 1 gal. of water so you can imagine the experience while watching Shamu Cam
He's an active lil guy too :happyfish
Otherwise you'de need to obtain wildlife permits first before even thinking about a whale tank. The permits alone could run upwards of $100,000


permit..........Who needs a permit ....permit for this....permit for that..... just "DON"T GET CAUGHT" !!!
cool link BTW


Originally Posted by Tomato Clown
All you need is 1 gal. of water so you can imagine the experience while watching Shamu Cam
He's an active lil guy too :happyfish
Otherwise you'de need to obtain wildlife permits first before even thinking about a whale tank. The permits alone could run upwards of $100,000

I feel sorry for those whales after looking at that. All they do is swim in circles.


Active Member
pbienkiewi "don't get caught" ............. You know I think people might notice you hauling in a 20TON WHALE on an 18wheeler...... Unless your like David Copperfield