what tank size for a whale?


Ive got 2 breeding whales in my 20 gal tank with 5 moorish idols who also breed, and a peacefull clown trigger who enjoys frequenting the shrimp cleaning station, oh and my seahorses gotta love those weedy sea dragons!!!

in theroy most things are possible...but it doesnt make them right

interesting post! sea world type places have smaller whales, but no Blue Whales!


But I read on the online whale store that you can put them in a 55 gallon. They grow to the size of their tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by barkdog
But I read on the online whale store that you can put them in a 55 gallon. They grow to the size of their tank.
hahahahha. I love it, BTW I think it would be pushing putting an orca in a 55, I would def recommend a six foot tank. Either that or you can go with a beluga in a nano.


so the fish they sell in my LFS that are only a couple of inches long that are labelled "baby whale" really are baby whales? o_O i know they sell shark eggs, but i somehow think whales are born more than a few inches long. . . . . .

darth tang

Active Member
Whales are NOT fish. please head to mammal board for this discussion. They will have more information on whales that anyone here.


ok. . . . . so the *animals* they sell in my lfs really are baby whales? o_O
hm. should've googled. . . . . .
called baby whales, but aren't whales. nor are they mammals. . . . . but according to this site they're freshwater. . . . so maybe you should try another message board.
and if this post was actually meant as a joke, i apologize. but i really did see some "baby whales" in my lfs and was rather curious about them (just for curiosity's sake)


Active Member
Just for laughs, called my LFS and asked the guy "Do you have whales for sale and do you have tanks large enoguh to keep them in" I just kinda got a long pause and then "click", not even good bye or thanks for calling.....Geez.....


Originally Posted by Darth Tang
Whales are NOT fish. please head to mammal board for this discussion. They will have more information on whales that anyone here.
Whales are too fish! They live in the ocean, breathe water, and are slimy. Besides, how would Dori and Marlin have talked to the whale if it wasn't a fish. I know that the creators of finding Nemo did more research that you did before you declared yourself a "seahorse lord". Anyways, did you become a seahorse lord before or after you became a level 12 knight in dungeons and dragons? Just asking. There is no way a clownfish and a hippo tang could talk to a whale if it wasn't a fish. Jeez... Therefore whales are fish... or snakes. QED.