What temperature is a "CORALIFE DEEP SIX" hydrometer calibrated to.


Active Member
you can calibrate one, say, if you test your water with a refractometer and then mark your hydrometer, but there can still be an error. bubbles in the water, temperature differences, salt buildup left in an unwashed hydrometer, etc.


Active Member
all hydrometers for measuring salt are calibrated at 60 degrees unless otherwise stated on the package.
BTW coralife deep six are garbage, probably one of the least reliable out of the box of all swing arm units.


Originally Posted by metweezer
Buy a refractometer. $50.00 is a small price to spend for spot on accuracy

See heres my extreme problem. I live in Canada. And the only place that i know of is big als. And big als sells refractometers for 117$, im 15 and that is a bloody lot of money for me =/. Is there any online store that you know of that ships to canada?


Active Member
The problem with hydrometers is that they are extremely temperature dependent. It it also almost impossible to eliminate all the micro bubble which cling to the swing arm. Over time salt will build up in the pores of the plastic no matter how well you rinse it. All of these together mean that over time your hydrometer swing arm will float higher and higher as you fill it with water. This means that it will show your SG being higher than it really is. You may think your tank is 1.023 but in reality it might only be 1.017 like it was in my tank one time. I replaced the hydrometer and really discovered how inaccurate it was.


Thank you, im looking into getting a refractometer, but I live in Canada, saltwaterfish.com doesn't ship here as far as i know.


Also sorry, one more question. If I am to get a refractometer does that mean when i mesure salinity temperature does not effect the result in the same way the hydrometer becomes inaccurate in temperature differances.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
all hydrometers for measuring salt are calibrated at 60 degrees unless otherwise stated on the package.
I always thought it was 72deg
(I thought thats what I read when I got mine 10yrs ago but my memory for 10yrs on a single detail could be off).
I'm sure mind is off but I dont care...whatever it is, I mix to the same reading that has worked for me for years (even if it WAS accurate, its probably not 10yrs later). every now and then I'll measure the water that comes from shipped or LFS water and see if they are in the ballpark. I always say I'm going to get a refractometer but that day never seems to come
thing is even if I never step up to a refractometer like I should I like my hydrometer better than ANY current ones available.