Hi Robvia, I wouldn't let some of these people get you down, we've all started there. Your not going to learn a thing if all you hear is nag, nag, nag. Here ar a few suggestions I have for ya: You don't have high enough lighting for your corals. I have 220 watts of power compacts, not florescents, in my 55 gal, and I can barely keep any corals alive long term, I'm getting another 175 watt metal halide to add on. Also a red hermit, and a scarlet hermit, are not the same thing. A scarlet hermit, is about the size of a dime, and a red hermit is a good 5+ inches. You wanna stick with tiny hermits in a reef. Also do a couple of water changes to get your nitrates down. Also you might have too high of nitrates because your feeding too much, and you maxed out on fish. I would only feed a pinch of food once daily. Also I would recommend cutting down on the fish you have. Panther groupers get way too big, and poop way too much for your size of tank. Naso tangs need a minimum of 120 gal. and the false moorish idol you have gets WAY big. I would stick with the chromis, and the damsels, and the coral beauty, the clowns, and maybe a regal tang instead of a yellow tang or naso tang. Also, big angelfish, and most butterfly fish eat corals. So, all in all, only add one fish per month, after you get your nitrates down, and get higher lighting, and don't go crazy on with buying too many fish, and don't feed too much. And remember to ALWAYS quarantine. These are just recommendations I have for ya to get your tank healthy again. I wish you the best of luck with your tank, and keep us posted. -ali :happyfish