What the heck is going on???


Active Member
Originally Posted by candycane
You can buy a PRECISE PH (like .01 - I used the Milwaukee 101 model) Monitor and use Kalkwasser to drip your PH up to about 8.5 or so (sometimes it effects other creatures and sometimes it doesn't).

my PH is currently at 8.5


Active Member
Measuring with what? Some test kits can vary .2. That is the reason I was talking about the Milwaukee 101. I don't think it's capable of varying over .01 so chances of the PH going to 8.7 are VERY low. Do you know how accurate the meter is that you are using?


Originally Posted by whyamisofl
any help?

That looks like cyano to me i have been fighting it for a while now but i think i have it under control by syphoing it out, water changes reduce feeding , light bulb check and i added a sump/ refugium. The reason why i say it looks like cyano is because it has bubbles traped under it. Are you checking the nitrates after you remove it? Did you use any red slime remover?


Active Member
trying to do everything I can before adding chemicals
trates have been the same all day.....even after the siphon


Originally Posted by whyamisofl
trying to do everything I can before adding chemicals
trates have been the same all day.....even after the siphon
just asking if you have tried the red slime remover latley cause the cyano tend to trap the trates if you removed it then the trates would be release. Also when i remove it myself i replaced the sand, but i think the whole refugium thing work the best plus the water changes and removal.


Originally Posted by tdog7879
just asking if you have tried the red slime remover latley cause the cyano tend to trap the trates if you removed it then the trates would be release. Also when i remove it myself i replaced the sand, but i think the whole refugium thing work the best plus the water changes and removal.
I definately think its cyano. I second the use of slime remover. It kills the bad bacteria ( unfortunately the good as well ). If you combine that with every other day water changes, reduced feedings and reduced lighting time then you should see no more signs of it. many will tell you that this should be a last ditch effort but I beleave you are at that point. It will work. Save the snails !!!


Active Member
Dinoflagellates will usually KILL Turban snails (turbos, some astreas, etc.). They eat the stuff, then they get sluggish for a few days, then just die. I have not once seen cyano take out a population of snails. I don't have any samples of any of these alga, so can only go off of the fact that so far everything points to Dinoflagellates; at least in WhyamIsofl's case.
In any case, there would be A LOT more that I need to know. What salt is being used and any buffers?
Edit: It looks as if the alga touching the glass and running along the glass right under the top layer of sand is "more red" then the particular alga covering the substrate?. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the more red alga was cyano and the stuff covering the substrate was Dino.


Active Member
Originally Posted by whyamisofl
The "cyno" is a dark rusty red. I siphoned it all off of the rocks and sand bed last night and it was back this morning..
"It should also be noted that the slime you "see" is not the actual algae or cyanobacterium agglomeration, but what it/they exsude. The actual algae are underneath."
You really should read Albert Thiel's article on cyano. Here is the link again...
He has written several books and many magazine articles. He is considered an authurity on aquarium keeping.
whyamisofl, inbound PM
At the top of the link I sent you is a FAQ with several links to cyano related responses. Rather than send you all of them, I'll just let you do the research.


Active Member
Well, I just got home from work and although my glass is COVERED in red algae, the dino/cyano is dissipating (usually takes a week for it to get this bad, but it did it within a matter of 24 hours today). I just walked in the door and noticed it, but won't have a chance to test for a couple hours due to this monkey -

I am typing away and hear "Daddy!" from behind me......what a dork (she just turned 2)
Snails are still acting lethargic but they are actually moving around today.
I believe the reason they are being lethargic is that when I was killing aiptasia yesterday, I think I may have used too much pickling lime and actually spiked the PH in the tank.........which would make MUCH more sense.
Not my tank, but this is EXACTLY what the algae looks like on the sandbed floor and rocks

Back in a bit with readings........anything I should test for other than trates?


Active Member
Trate readings are a little lower today (so place between 160 and 80), so hopefully they continue this trend!!!
Another 5g water change tonight


Active Member
cut the crap out and buy buckets or jugs and hit it with chemiclean and do a 50% water change 48hours later. That'll oxidize it all. Not to sound like a jerk, but you're not doing much trying just alot of crying. Use a refractometer to check salinity too and get a second opinion on the nitrates (if they're really that high, you need a nitrate sponge NOW.)


Active Member

Originally Posted by Rotarymagic
cut the crap out and buy buckets or jugs and hit it with chemiclean and do a 50%
water change 48hours later. That'll oxidize it all. Not to sound like a jerk, but you're not doing much trying just alot of crying. Use a refractometer to check salinity too and get a second opinion on the nitrates (if they're really that high, you need a nitrate sponge NOW.)
How am I not doing anything? No place within a 30 mile radius sells salt ready to roll.
I am using a refractometer.
I have used 2 different kits and the LFS (less than 4 blocks away) and they all test the same.
I am not new to the saltwater world, just new to the reef world. So when I see the chance of my $1k+ worth of corals going down the drain, then yes, I will cry.
If you really have nothing to say other than bash what I have already done.........GTFO of my thread.


Active Member
Originally Posted by whyamisofl
How am I not doing anything? No place within a 30 mile radius sells salt ready to roll.
I am using a refractometer.
I have used 2 different kits and the LFS (less than 4 blocks away) and they all test the same.
I am not new to the saltwater world, just new to the reef world. So when I see the chance of my $1k+ worth of corals going down the drain, then yes, I will cry.
If you really have nothing to say other than bash what I have already done.........GTFO of my thread.

Here's an idea... go buy an RO/DI system and a bucket of salt... have a nice day dumbass.


something is going through tanks that is not the normal cyno looks like it and acts like it most ways EXCEPT that the normal remidies wont fix it. I had it in my tank increased flow lowered the lights to almost nothing stepped away from the feeding and it still grew like MAD> I broke my tank down to move it and I had to completly rinse the rocks off and make new water discard my sand and left the lights off for almost 4 days before it would go away. so far it hasnt come back and I am hopeing that I finally got through it.
point of the story above is that sometimes you have to take drastic measures to get rid of this stuff. if the conventional stuff isnt working start to think of the more extreme measures for it. just be prepared for the negatives that might come up.
BTW you have a PM on the deleted posts.