What the heck is it???


Ok, I went to the LFS yesterday to get some cool stuff for the tank. I bought these 3 things called feather dusters. After 8 hours of staring at these things I'm completly awe struck on them. They are too cool. But what are they? A worm? An aneome? Aninmal? Something from a Kevin Bacon movie? Do they sting? Which end is up? There huge. Will it get bigger? I don't want to wake up one morning and have a palm tree sticking out of my tank. It was just a little pipe when I put it in the tank yesterday. Now it's blown up to about 5" dia. It's not like a fly trap huh?
Need info quick. It's peeking at me as I type.


The simple answer is that they are a worm. To be more spacific Jullian Sprung says
"Feather duster worms are members of the Phylum annelida, the segmented worms, which includes the common earthworm. The feather dusters belong to the class Polychaeta, one of the four classes of annelids. The Polychaetes (literally "many hairs") have segmented bodies, and each segment bears two or more appendages called parapodia"
They are filter feeders with the mouth closest toward the crown. You may find one day that they will shed this crown, it will come back. You will also need to be careful about what type of crabs you keep as some delite in tormenting these feather dusters.
Thus far I have not kept any of these larger dusters but plan to.
You may want to look into some phytoplankton or DT's for your filter feeding inverts.


Rut roh, There is a Emerald crab picking on him now. Will he eat it?
Do they attach to anything like a rock? I have 4 emeralds and 40 hermits along with a fiddler crab.


He's just sitting on it picking at some kind of loose material on the tube. I tried scaring it off but it comes back.


Wow, now that's cool. I'll keep that in mind if mine ever disapear. But, what the heck does it look like with out a tube or crown?
Oh, I woke up this morning and afew sheets of seaweed about 1" square were floating around. I guess it got away from the crab or maybe he had enough. Anyway do they put off a lot of ammonia?
Thanks, now it's off to work.


Jeez, I hope dt's are phytoplex cause the guy at the LFS told me to get that too and add it to the water. Thanks