What the heck is this?


I was just walking past my tank today and saw this thing in my tank. I have no idea what it is or where it come from. What is it? and is it bad to have?



I have looked at picture of peanut worms and of this... the different I see is the thing in my tank has legs... a bunch of very little ones. Almost looks like a water centapeed


Active Member
Originally Posted by teamsleep
I have looked at picture of peanut worms and of this... the different I see is the thing in my tank has legs... a bunch of very little ones. Almost looks like a water centapeed

Have you looked at the bristleworms?


Active Member
Originally Posted by teamsleep
I have read good things and bad things about them... what is the general consensus?

theyre beneficial untill the get to big .... dont ever let your finger come across it.
Is your Username Teamsleep like Chino Team Sleep ... if so I got to see them live in a 14X14 room awhile back when Deftones played for free in sac and then chino flew the guys from teamsleep in and they played for free in a yoga room for like 15 people .... it was SO awesome... Hangin out with chino after the show was pretty sweet to... not the first timme ive dranken with him so I was more excited about hearin them play in a intimate setting


Active Member
I hear they are good too, but I personally get rid of them as I heard on here that they eat pods.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I hear they are good too, but I personally get rid of them as I heard on here that they eat pods.
Hmmm .... I've never heard of that. :thinking:


Active Member
It deff looks like like a baby bristle worm. We had one way bigger than yours but the same exact color. Here's a couple of pics after I caught it with Thongs!
P.S. You can't really tell from the pics, but it was at least 1/4" wide and at least 5-6" long, and even longer when it was stretched all the way out!



Active Member
Originally Posted by teamsleep
I know Chino well... I would rather not go into the details but he is cool. Thanks for the information guys.

do you live in sac ... I work with his cousin.. know him well enough he got another girl pregnant .... NOT his wife ... they are having problems
LOL I know know him really well to


Well I dont think I need to go there... but a band member of mine has joined him on a few songs. So aside from his family problems he is an alright guy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teamsleep
Well I dont think I need to go there... but a band member of mine has joined him on a few songs. So aside from his family problems he is an alright guy.
cool. Mary?


Nope actually he sang on the team sleep album but I would rather not get into that much... dont need that publicity... hehe


Active Member
Originally Posted by teamsleep
Nope actually he sang on the team sleep album but I would rather not get into that much... dont need that publicity... hehe
right on