What the hell


Active Member
I get a call today from an indian guy that said his name was Danny Spencer (yeah). He said he was from some law center in cali and that I took a pay advance a few months ago from some Advance Cash Mutual and never paid. He is going to sue me but we could settle out of court for 500 bucks. I never took a pay advance and just happened to be online looking at my account online so I asked hime when I took the advance he told me 9/14/10 so I check out that day and no money was ever deposited in my account. So I tell him to go to hell and I will see him in court. This guy new my social my account number routing number my address even my wifes social. However he didnt know that my wife didnt changer her last name on here social security card just her DL. So I look up tjis company that he said I owe money to and here is the shocker it didnt exist in fact there were many stories just like mine. So now I got to change account numbers and all that witch is not a big deal but a pain since I got to cancel my direct deposit and all that. Moral of the story get a paper shredder and use it. See I have a paper shredder with really sharp blades because I never used it. Come to find out these things are not for collecting paper on top of them go figure


Active Member
thats the real problem with the law. Once you put your garbage on the curb, it becomes public domain and anyone can take your garbage. I havent done this (yet, LOL) but I know people who have and what to do once you get the information. He was a smart scammer as he didnt use the information to take $ from you. If he made a transaction using your account info to purchase something, then its breaking the law and ID theft is a federal crime. Depending on what they do with it determines how much time and fines they get. When my wife's purse was stolen, they charge the 4 involved with ID theft and the 3 rolled on the leader to get a lower scentence. The ring leader is in jail now and I think he is going to be there for 3 years unless paroled earlier.
If he was really smart, he would have used your info to call the bank to get your statements to find a deposit to make the story more compelling. he also should have said that he was going to send the matter to collections first as that is the next logical step. Collection companies sue, not the actual business.


Active Member
No he was smart I will give him that. He put me on an recorded line after he said he whole speech on how I owe money so that he would have me taped saying I would settle and he could take the 500. I guess that would be legal in the end I would have gave him permission to do so. When reading up on it on google he has got qutie a few people. Dont think he has been caught yet but even if they do catch the guy I dont think they can do anything about it. However I might call him back and tell him I will mail him a check. Then go to his adress to whop his A$$


Active Member
That is rather disturbing. Thanks for the heads up. These scams have got quite comples and sneaky. You want to know how the state of Arizona aids a lot of these scammers? In Az if I know your SS# and workplace, I can file a claim with the court for a garnishment, with no hearing and just a piece of paper saying you owe me. The garnishment is automatically ordered and it is up to you to take me to court to prove it isn't a legitimate debt or the obligation was paid. And if it is a legitimate garnishment, I can keep collecting for years after the debt is paid and it will keep being deducted until you take me to court to prove it was paid, bearing in mind the collector has no obligation to present any documents. The "debtor" has to have the documentation, not the collector. I had this happen with a student loan company that I had paid off years earlier and some new company claimed to have "bought" the loan. It took a year and a half, dragging sallie mae along kicking and screaming, to get the garnishment stopped and about half the money refunded. Even though I had paperwork from sallie mae that the loan had been paid off years earlier. Also, I couldn't sue or take any legal action, other than make a claim and hope they paid, due to this collection company was a federally approved collection company and federally protected against all legal liability other than to repay any over-payments and at their discretion.


Active Member
my friend is a marine and his identity has been stoled 5 or 6 times.its not just the garbage its atms gas station pumps.anywhere you use any card.file a report with the ftc .back when i fell behind on my mortgage a company called me to do a modification.they emailed the paperwork,not one sheet had their company name or address on it.they also wanted me to deposit cash into their wells fargo bank.i filed with the ftc and they sent me official documents to sign and send back with the complaint.i am sure others have filed with these people already so you might help put them behind bars.