What the most intriguing specimen youv ever added to your tank?


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Originally posted by broncofish
WOW, is that a garage door in the back ground?

LOL .. kick his arse seabass !!!


Active Member
Yes I was just kidding, that fish looks awesome. I wish I could have something big enough to hold one that big.


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Originally posted by BigMac
by far its the tuxedo (sp?) urchin

any probs with him chomping on corals ect ?


What is that fabulous shrimp? Is he reef safe? Any problems with other shrimp like a cleaner? Where do I get me one?????


Active Member
Well not in my tank, but I think the most fascinating fish I've EVER seen is Cap-N-Pete's Orange Tang!
C'mon Cap'! How 'bout a pic? Heh heh...



Originally posted by slothy
"chip" my harq. shrimp

harlequins r so cool, ur the man for havin one. arent they hard to keep, i mean dont tehy only eat starfish, thats wat i red in a magazine. it sed they eat only starfish, but eat rarely, sumtimes once a month is this tru?
o ye and i like all hawkfsih, my spotted one has a great personality, thou he may be a little even, and possesed by teh devil, becuz he attacks anything that is liek the size of his hed, including my FAVORITE CLEANER SHRIMP which is now ded!


Active Member
ya i just toss a little choc. chip starfish in there ever 2-3 weeks... (or until it finishes it)

nm reef

Active Member
Dang...sooooooo many to pick from.....how about one that is no longer with me?
Plus it was always the most entertaining to guests that would come over and gawk at my reef....sadly though the BTA attempted to pass thru a power head and I've never replaced it...so now the tomato spends his time in an assortment of my LPS corals(especially fond of my plate coral and my alveoporas)...any way heres Tommy the Terrible and his BTA...:cool:


Heres mine, a Queen, or Formossa, or Red Coris, whatever ya like kind a of wrasse. Very interesting to watch for sure. He is a bit upsetting though when I watch him eat a blue leg, or stir up the sand so bad that it looks like he is a tornado in action, or the time he flipped over that coral or, .....er nevermind, you were right NM reef!


I WISH WISH WISH I had a photo of the soft pink and white urchin I found at Zoos Pet Shop. Gorgeous pink and purple urchine with white hairs that packed a nasty sting (found out the hard way!) Kind of like a fat round Sea Apple.



Originally posted by slothy
"chip" my harq. shrimp

those by far are some of the most interesting creatures….not sure I could bring myself to feeding them starfish though…are they expensive and hard to find???


Active Member
i paid $35 for it.. feeding it it easier IMO then most anything else, just toss a CC star in there and let it finish it.. cost me about 5-10 bucks a month to feed it