???????what the.........

What the hell is going on I put my damsels in my QT(lots of troble doing this)wich has the same readings other than nitrates wich are 0 and the temp is only 2*higher then the mian tankand well one of my damsels is a pale white and the other is alittle white but not mutch so what's going on?? and they're alive too


It sounds like they are stressed from the move. Are the lights in the aquarium off, as that can be an additional stresser. Why did you move them to the qt tank. Are they new, or are they sick. What are the readings other than the trates as the move and the water quality together can be a stresser. HTH. Good luck.
Did you acclimate them to the quarantine tank or just throw them in there? I always take the time to acclimate to a different tank. I use ziplok baggies. They definitely sound stressed.