what the...?

violet puff

New Member
Im not sure if this is the right place to post, but I have two cleaner shrimp in my 55 g tank (in addition to other inverts, the fish are in QT right now for ick) and when I went to go feed them tonight, I noticed one shrimp looks normal and the other one looks like its full with eggs in the belly portion! There look like little tiny bumps, and the belly is swollen compared to the other one. Can anyone educate me on how these guys reproduce? Will I have a hundred baby cleaner shrimp? I will try to get a picture, although they are hard to get a clear shot of. Also, when I look at the one in question with the lights off, it is very easy to see that it has something filling its belly.. thorax? hmm well, thanks!


Active Member
Well to educate you on how they reproduce, ..um.. well...
Have a seat.
When a Mommy Cleaner shrimp and Daddy Cleaner shrimp love each other very much, they decide that they want to show this love...........
Ok ok ok.... Yes She will carry the eggs untill they are ready. Takes about a week. They hatch just after lights out when ready. Problem is that they make great food for all the other tank inhabitants so they wont last long. Shrimp will produce batches in vain time and time again but dont expect any new shrimp to live beyond a hour or two after hatching since they are so delicious to everything else in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ReefForBrains
Well to educate you on how they reproduce, ..um.. well...
Have a seat.
When a Mommy Cleaner shrimp and Daddy Cleaner shrimp love each other very much, they decide that they want to show this love...........

Too Funny!


U can but it might stress her and u will need like no current and a sponge filter. I have done that will baby fish before. There is also the problem of feeding them. I believe (don't quote me) they need fresh phyto to eat or something very small and nutritous. Good luck with it. Every time my peppermints have babies, the fish go crazy. U might just need to let nature take its course this time but set up a "baby" tank for next time and do some research on feeding them.


Active Member
heres what the eggs look like on a prego. shrimp.
It is a different kind of shrimp but its the easiest one to see the eggs.
Id try to rear them if I was you, how cute would that be? lol! Pick yourself up a little all in one eclipse system or something (like 5gal) they have hardly any flow to begin with.