What time do you wake up



Originally posted by Watergal

if i don't wake up really early then i'm lazy the entire day. plus the day goes by 10 times faster for some reason too.
weekends are exception of course. usually i'm passin out around 4am and waking up 12 hours later.
I get up at 5:30.
Fishman, if you remember I work in Mahwah and one of the guys I work with lives in Jackson... you may know that as the town where Six Flags Great Adventure is! He gets up at 3 or 3:30 am.... of course it should only be about an hour and 1/2 commute from there to here but he gets up really early to avoid the traffic....
3:30! :scared:


Active Member

Originally posted by ThankGod4Fish
I get up at 5:30.
Fishman, if you remember I work in Mahwah and one of the guys I work with lives in Jackson... you may know that as the town where Six Flags Great Adventure is! He gets up at 3 or 3:30 am.... of course it should only be about an hour and 1/2 commute from there to here but he gets up really early to avoid the traffic....
3:30! :scared:

MAN!!! that's crazy
tommarow for my trip i'm gonna wake up at 5 or so... we gotta be at school by 6:15


Active Member
I usually wake up at 6:00a.m when my husbands alarm goes off for an hour (drives me NUTS!, get up already!). I usually don't get out of bed until 8:00a.m. when my twins wake up.


When my eyes open....

Depends on what's going on in my world....
If fishing, then 4AM.
If school, then 8AM.
If drinking the night before, then between 8AM and 2PM...depends if I gotta get up for work.
I also go through periods where I will be up for 2-3 days and then sleep 12 hours straight.
I usually don't sleep more than 6 hours a night unless I have een up for a few days or drinking.


Active Member
oh geeze...I am a night owl by nature, so if I had my way, I would be up half the night and sleep later.
But since reality sets in when kids come along, I try to manage a "normal" sleeping routine.
weekday....5:30 to be ahead of the kids
weekend... 8:00 is late, but lately my kids have been sleeping later :jumping: and lord knows when they are sleeping so am I. :sleepy:
and lord help us if we have had some cocktails with friends the night before.........:D


Active Member
whenever i want....well before my school time.
I usually try and wkae up between 8:00-9:30


Active Member
6:30 on weekdays. I can barely drag myself out of bed after hitting snooze for an hour. I am NOT a morning person, don't really wake up til around 9 after lots of coffee. I stay up late usually and on weekends I sleep in until 10:00..love that.


Life is rough. Work starts at noon with a 45 minute commute so I'm usually out of bed by 11:45 am. I tell ya, the tattoo buisness is hard sometimes........


Active Member
For 8 years I woke up at 2:30 a.m.--I did a morning radio show, and the hours were HELL...
Now...I sleep in till 7:30 everyday, but curiously, I still think that's just too darn early. What is WRONG with me?!
Weekends, if I sleep past 9:00 a.m. I feel like a slouch.


Alarm goes off at 4AM... up by 4:09.
In bed NO LATER than Midnight......
I always wonder how much longer I'll be able to do this.. :rolleyes:


Active Member
When I used to get up at 2:30, I would FREQUENTLY go to bed around 11 or twelve (INSANE!) --then I'd come home and take a 3-4 hour nap after I got off at noon....
You'd be surprised how LONG you can do it ( I did it for 8 years)...it's just a matter of when you decide you don't WANT to anymore!:yes:


7:13 odd but I seem to get out of bed at that time each day except weekends if I am not working the second job. Set the alarm for 6am and it goes off once. Half the time I catch it before and reset it for 7. Or I hear it once and reset it for 7. Alarm goes off twice. I am up. Shower dress grab some food. Out the door by 7:35 7:40 Get to work by 7:50. Usually the first in. Work 9 hours. Get an hour and a half off before going to the second job. Work till 11. Normally in bed by midnight.
Wash and repeat.
Ain't being an adult grande.


5am....except during the summer i'll get up at 4am so I can get off work at 1:30pm and enjoy the afternoons.