what time of day do you test your H2O?


Active Member
Just curious how often and at what time of day people test their water. My LFS said I should do it between 1-2 in the afternoon. I usually do it at 7:00 in the morning. He says my tank hasn't even woke up yet, so the readings aren't accurate.


Maybe I'm wrong but the 1:00 to2:00 thing sounds a tad ridiculous to me. You've got the same water no matter what time of day it is. I usually test mine at different times of the day. Never tried it in the morning so now I'm going to see if there's a difference.


Active Member
Originally Posted by artist55
Maybe I'm wrong but the 1:00 to2:00 thing sounds a tad ridiculous to me. You've got the same water no matter what time of day it is. I usually test mine at different times of the day. Never tried it in the morning so now I'm going to see if there's a difference.

I agree...how would water "wake up"?


the pH can change to due the oxygen levels in the tank, which are lower during the night, since your algae is not producing oxygen with no lights!!!!


I think the best idea in the long run is to go by the advice you get here. I found out that my lfs has given me some REALLY bogus info along the way so now I come here when I want to know something. As far as Ph goes, I find it going down a bit before water changes but the water change levels it right off. I have been doing 10-15 % water changes since the tank got started and have noticed the same thing each time. Do yourself a favor and ask here. Nobody here is out to take your hard earned money like 75 % of lfs's.


that is not bogus info.. do a test during the day and then a test at night, and you WILL see a difference!


Active Member
Originally Posted by FYI
that is not bogus info.. do a test during the day and then a test at night, and you WILL see a difference!

I have heard that this is very true, but I personally have never seen a difference between day and night.


Active Member
I have a fuge but the lights are only on when the DT lights are on

I know I shoud be running them opposite my DT, but it's a HOB fuge and if I leave the lights on at night it overpowers the moonlights on my DT


Active Member
so FYI, when do you test? You're saying the same thing he said, about the oxygen and the lights. He said my readings will be different through out the day as my tank "wakes up"
BUT I ONLY test in the morning. I could see why it wouldn't be good to test morning one day, then night, another, because those would be different, because they are different.
BUT if I test the SAME time EVERY day, I don't see how it would really matter.


Originally Posted by zoie2
so FYI, when do you test? You're saying the same thing he said, about the oxygen and the lights. He said my readings will be different through out the day as my tank "wakes up"
BUT I ONLY test in the morning. I could see why it wouldn't be good to test morning one day, then night, another, because those would be different, because they are different.
BUT if I test the SAME time EVERY day, I don't see how it would really matter.
that last part is a good point.. not too sure if it would matter, as long as its the same time everyday.. maybe i should do a little bit of studying on that..
but the reason for waiting for daytime is so u dont get a low pH reading and try to do something to make it higher, cuz it will probably get higher during they day..
your most accurate pH reading will be in the middle of the light cycle, because that is when all oxygen levels will be at their best for your tank.. im sure thats why he said that at the store.
I test mine in the middle of the light cycle, every saturday. I do the water changes on sundays.


Active Member
I guess it wouldn't be a too bad to test during the day if I just did it on the weekend. But for right now I am testing every day (new tank, only 3 months old) I am too nervouse to let it go a whole week w/o testing. There is now way I'd be able to test it every day in the middle of the afternoon.
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