What time of day is best to feed corals?


It seems that most of the corals have their "feelers" out at night (sitting here with the flashlight again :) )
So when does everyone think the best time to feed is for gorgorians, SPS, caulestra etc.


Active Member
I spot feed when they look hungry--I know that's not very technical, but hey. I'm slowly but surely getting my corals to put there feelers out when I turn off the white lights and only have blues on--that way I get to feed them at a more reasonable hour--lest I have to wait up late for them to get hungry (I guess that'd make more sense if it weren't that I'm online again now at 1:30 pm :) )
g'night all!


Active Member
Small Polyp Scleractinians (SPS) do not need to be target fed. They get the majoraty of their nutrition through their zooxanthellae.
It depends on what species of gorgonian you're talking about. Gorgonians which do not contain zooxanthellae can be target fed when their polyps are out most. DT's live phytoplankton is a great product which is great for target feeding many animals.
Gorgonians which contain zooxanthellae would also get the majoraty of their nutrition through their zooxanthellae.


Thanks Graham. The two gorgorians I have is one that is just brown and has been in my tank for over a year and is thriving with whatever I'm doing (DT's with turkey baster), the other new one is bright orange, and I've got it higher in the tank and feed the DT's to it also.