What to add with Snowflake eel?


New Member
I'm new to the aggressive tanks. I recently got a new 90 gallon and moved my reef into that, so I had an extra 55. I have had a snowflake in it for about 2 months and he's great! I love how he attacks the food at the end of the feeding stick! My real question is can I add a Porcupine Puffer with him? If not, any good suggestions as to what would make good companions and more important WHY would they be good? Thanks!


Active Member
The problem with adding a porc would be the tank size. Porcs get big, and would need a much bigger tank as they grow. A small one would be fine for a little while.
As far as other tank mates you could look into dwarf lions, hawk fish, and smaller wrasse species.


New Member
First, thanks for the replies! Questions though... What wrasses do you means, wouldn't some of them be eaten by the eel? Also, I heard the dwarf lionfish are hard to keep, is this true? Again thanks for any help!


fish only wrasse which are agrresive and i don't thinka sfe eel will eat one especially if it is a small eel and a med size fish I would try a lunar wrasse ,pinkface or banana they all look pretty good


i dunno i had two small chromis and i just got done feeding mine and one was kind of frantic swimmingnear his cave and he gulped it down like it was his first meal in a while they aren't supposed to eat fish but anything goes when your a hunter

marlins #1

the hungry part is pretty true, but you can't trust them
Its just a matter of time before they eat your 40 dollar fish. hahahaha
no serious my friends was well feed and it was very small and all, and a clown fish dissapeared
and after seeing us feed it Freshwater Goldfish, live and all, i was convinced that it would it anything that is not fast enough to move away or not aggressive enough.
or anything that passes in front of its cave.
I had a puffer with it, its great...Puffers go god, porcupine or Spiny Box... or any type of Damshels..they are too hyper to get eaten..