what to add


what fish to add to my fish only 125 gal tank? I'm looking for open swimmers (no hiders) that are easy keepers & have lots of color.


most larger fish, for the most part, are agressive, so you could try a bunch of smaller fish, like clownfish, they're pretty open swimmers, and great to watch. I also have a black & white heniochus (butterfly/bannerfish family). She's the most interesting thing i have in my tank. She never hides, ever, and always swims right by my face when i'm near the tank, as if to show off for food. you could try a wrasse, but i'm not sure how agressive they are, as there are a LOT of different wrasses. I have a fairy wrasse, and they only get about 5 in. or so. He's not agressive at all, and is kinda skiddish, but i just put him in a week ago, so he's supposed to open up more. You could try some sort of jawfish, or goby, like the yellow watchman goby, although they like to hide in the caves, you can always see their little heads poking out... Also, firefish are amazingly beautiful, and they like to be in groups, so you could get a few, and they'll flock together. They're also small, but they like to be in the open (from what i understand, but i could be wrong), and they're not agressive in the least bit. Just my $0.02, hope this helps!!!
I'm not sure about larger fish, though, as i only have a 55 gallon. When i do get a large tank, it's definately going to be agressive (sharks & rays).

BTW, all of the above are really easy to care for.


I'd put a couple of tangs, like a yellow, powder blue, sailfin or naso, I don't know how hardy those are, but I know the yellow is.
Maybe a Russells Lion, they are great, and one of the more social lions.
Damsels are always colorful, maybe a bluefin, striped and a yellowtail.
Wrasse are always colorful.
Maybe some kind of angel or butterfly. (find out what are the more hardy ones)
I have a humu trigger, lion, yellow tang, panther grouper, striped damsel and a yellowfin damsel, all are nice colors and open swimmers, and fun at feeding time too.


If your looking for tangs, check out a Gold Rim Tang, also some people call it a Whitecheek Tang. I got one about 2 weeks ago...hes the coolest fish ever! I never hear much about them on these boards, but he is awsome. The first week he hid under a rock and came out only when it was quiet in the room...but now ill have friends come over and he will be swimming all around the tank, everyone loves him.


If your looking for tangs, check out a Gold Rim Tang, also some people call it a Whitecheek Tang. I got one about 2 weeks ago...hes the coolest fish ever! I never hear much about them on these boards, but he is awsome. The first week he hid under a rock and came out only when it was quiet in the room...but now ill have friends come over and he will be swimming all around the tank, everyone loves him.

yellow ace

I think you should go with the Firefish! They are awesome to keep, (I have a couple) and are very outgoing. (Although make sure you have a little rockwork for them to hide in if they feel threatened).


Active Member
IMO (this is how I chose mine at least.) pick your fav fish the one you just have .then find other fish that are compatible with that species and so on.research anything before you purchase it make sure you meet all of its requiremnts.species compatability tank requirements and so on.doing this myself I found I had less problems or agressions.remember one thing though a species tank is a little trickier than planning fish by compatbilty.most species do not get along will with like species of its own such as tangs ,wrasses, clowns ,angels.triggers and so on.researching all before hand .dont get me wrong yes a species tank can be done as with any type of tank but to keep like species is more of a 50/50 chance of survival.