What to add?


New Member
I set up a nano (10 g) tank that has been running for over 7 months now. I have successfully had 2 false perculas and a Hawaiian Puffer in it for 5 months now. I have algae growing on the walls and would like advice on what I can add to help keep my tank cleaner. I'm interested not just in the keeping the algae clean, but the whole tank in general. The tank has live sand/rock and excellent filtration. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!


First off, welcome to the boards!
Regarding your question, some snails and hermits would help.


Active Member
Ull have to scrub the wall from day to day to keep it clean.
Nass Snails
Cerith Snails
Turbo/Astrea Snails
Margaritas Snails
Mexican Turbo Snail... Those will keep u clean
Also Puffer needs a bigger tank


New Member
This Puffer actually stays very tiny. It's not like the super large puffers you usually think of. He should only get about 2 inches.


Active Member
either way he will grow too big for a 10 gallon, and munch any clean up crew you try to add. sorry.
BTW, what kind of puffer is it exactly? do you know the scientific name?


New Member
It is a Hawaiian Spotted Puffer (Canthigaster jactator). I was told that he would be fine in this kind of tank seeing as the are relatively peaceful and he wouldn't grow much more. He is very cute and has a neat personality.


Active Member
deffinetly turbo snails, I have 3 in my 75 plus the rest of my cuc and they are by far the best, and huge, they seem like they wud be too big for a 2 in puffer, but you never know. Mabye one of those for a 10 gallon?