What to add?

j. crow

I have a 45 Gallon (Sand bottom) with
2 Clownfish,
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
A few small hermit crabs
I plan to add a yellow headed jawfish and a fighting conch (keep the sand clean) soon,
But I was wonderin whats another cheap fish to add to the tank for some color?


Originally Posted by J. Crow
I have a 45 Gallon (Sand bottom) with
2 Clownfish,
1 Pajama Cardinal
1 Cleaner Shrimp
1 Coral Banded Shrimp
A few small hermit crabs
I plan to add a yellow headed jawfish and a fighting conch (keep the sand clean) soon,
But I was wonderin whats another cheap fish to add to the tank for some color?
how cheap is cheap?


Royal Gramma
some sort of psuedochromi
If you want to spend the extra $10, get a Coral Beauty of some sort of dwarf angel.
Clown gobies are fun and available in tons of colors
Bicolor blenny - this is what I'd go with just because of the personality of a blenny.

j. crow

I'm leaning towards a Royal Gramma
Since I've had one before and like their colors
..Any tips from anyone on how to brighten up the tank anymore?

j. crow

What would be the best kind of wrasse to add to my tank?
I always hear things about them being aggressive or picking on other fish


Originally Posted by J. Crow
What would be the best kind of wrasse to add to my tank?
I always hear things about them being aggressive or picking on other fish
They can be. I had a sixline that created chaos in my 40G. The happiest day for me and my fish was when the sixline got stuck in the overflow box and I was able to "gift" him back to the LFS.
I now have a Longfin Fairy Wrasse that is the most peaceful fish I've ever owned (next to my mandarin). Really cool to watch swim around as well.


Active Member
if u give another 10-20 bucks more (depending on where u buy it from) you could get a really cool flame hawk. they are really really awesome fish. tons of personality. if u have a tank with lots of cope pods u could get a super colorful mandern goby, or if u find one that eats frozen. i got lucky and mine started to eat frozen =). plus manderin gobies are like 15 bucks.

j. crow

I'd like to have a longnose hawkfish,
But I have shrimp and the reason I have sand is for the jawfish
..They amuse me

j. crow

So I've decided I'll get:
A Yellow Headed Jawfish
A Royal Gramma
..And maybe a little bear conch for the sand


have u considared a blenny? I just got a black blenny for $26 (i also got an extra 50% off since i worked at the LFS, so it was only 13$) but its a beautiful fish I love the guy they help with matinance and not too expencive....a midas blenny would be pretty sweet as well!