What to add?


I have a 50g tank that has been established for over a year. I just removed an overly aggressive percula clown and a juv. majestic angel.
Left behind are a flame hawk, a tricolor fairy wrasse, a fire shrimp, a boxer shrimp. Along with a couple of feather duster and breeding bumble bee snails.
What do you all think could work with what I presently have?


I have thought about the cardinals but I thought that they would be too passive for the flamehawk and fairywrasse.
I think the chromis are an option but I don't think that 3 will have a cool enough schooling effect and I cant put more than that in (I think I prob would be pushing it with 3).
I am leaning towards one of the pygmy angels.
Please continue to help me think this through: mixing as well as what would look good together. Thanks for the suggestions.