What to Buy to get rid of hair algae


Active Member
Originally Posted by NigerBang
When starting GFO its very important to start off slow with it..... Just like all things it needs to be done in small increments..
so what? one day a week, then bump it up to two days then three ect?


Active Member
Could do it that way.. More of an issue of not using a HUGE dose at one time.. if X ammount does Y gallons..
Lets see.. say (random numbers here..)
2 oz's treats 50 gallons.. Your tank being 125 with sump.. (another random figure) say a total of 150 gallons.. that would be 6oz's.. only use 3 to start with.. Use half dosage or less and slowly work up to full spec on it..


Originally Posted by jw1977
Nitrates is zero. I'm feeding every other day so I don't think it would be my feeding. I am using a HOB filter, could that be causing some of the problem. I use RO water purchased from my LFS. I also use a skimmer. Any other ideas?
How old is your test kit? Nitrate kits are often the first to go. Have you ever had your LFS test it to compare? The filter would not be the problem...what you put into the tank and how often you clean the filter out would be, if there is any problem related to the filter.


I did have my LFS test water, that's where I got the .25 from. I change the filter once a month, is that enough?


Active Member
But a TDS meter and check the LFS TDS.. they "forget" to change them.. Buy nice test kits and do you own testing.. Buy a RODI unit... Quit letting others do everything for you...
Test kits should be one of the 1st thing a hobbiest should buy...
Also the search feature works good for this kinda issue...


Originally Posted by jw1977
I did have my LFS test water, that's where I got the .25 from. I change the filter once a month, is that enough?
There really is no black or white answer to this question in regards to time. If you can go 1 month and your parameters stay within an acceptable range, then yes it's fine. I personally change mine out weekly, but I overfeed, and I overfeed messy eaters. It all depends on your water parameters. Change as often or as little as needed to keep them in check.
Edit: I change out one of my filters media weekly, another I change out every couple of weeks, and the third I rinse out weekly, but never change out.