What to do about a bad teacher.

jimmy g

I do go to a public school.
My parents did side with me finally and they ate going to school most likely to find out whats going on.
Every single kid in that class doesnt like him ( No joke) because they notice that he if singling me out from the rest of the kids and he is blaming stuff on me that i didnt do.
I have talk to another teacher and he just says, "Well all teachers are different and maybe he just expects more out of you that your giving him and he is coming down on you for that."
I dont understand that because we are all in the same level of math class and as I said befor I do good on my tests and quizes?
P.S. Not many people can take me seriously with this advatar can they?....maybe its time to change it.


Active Member
Yes, it is hard to see your side with the Avatar you use. But then again, my son is 16, makes almost straight A's and has never been in any trouble. His wallpaper on his computer is Carmen Electra in a thong, so it really does not mean anything.
I'm glad your parent are going to talk to him. First thing, it is not a teachers job to expect more out of anyone. They have an agenda to teach certain skills and test you to see if you are mastering them. That is the bottom line. If they are taking it upon themselves to single out certain students to do better, they are taking time away from students who may need the extra help.
This is my opionion only, but that is why I don't like private schools. They are so underbudgeted, they can't have enough classrooms to split the kids up according to their skill level and concentrate on slower learners or give smarter kids more challenges. They end up teaching for the average student which means slower kids can't keep up and smarter kids get bored.
Fortunately I live in a county that has a great school system while the county next to us has one of the worst in the state. Even though, I'm still sending my daughter to private school.
Good luck with your teacher and help your parents to get the point across. I know if I was your parents and your education was at stake, I would definitely get to the bottom of it. With that said, if it was all BS and you were really the problem, you would be dreading the day you took your first breath.


Active Member
I think it is the job of a teacher to push more out of thier students, but they can't do that by lying about your behavior. I remember the time when I was scolded by a teacher for getting a B because I could have done better. That was an honest assesment, he didn't give me a C because I hadn't tried hard enough.
If a teacher is annoying, or has an odd personality, that's something to put up with until it's over. Lying or other immoral behavior is something to put a stop to.
My two cents: grades is not 100% of being a "good kid," there's a huge diffrence between the smart kid who's lazy and selfish, and the dumb kid that works hard for his C and is well-behaved. Of those two, I'd take the kid with the C average.


Trust me, we teachers have enough to do in our day. We do not "make up" things or go looking for things make us mad. You must have done something here or there to get on this guy's bad side. I'm not defending him just because I'm a teacher as well, but I here the same thing from a handful of my students as well. Comments such as, "I wasn't even talking," It wasn't me," "I did turn it in," "S/he hit me first," etc, etc, etc, etc. Don't get me wrong, there are bad teachers out there just like there are bad cops, lawyers, politicians, judges, etc. But I find it very hard to believe that you've done nothing and this teacher makes up everything. When you mature, take a look back and you will realize the truth.


Active Member
heh, i'm a degreed secondary (hs) teacher in science fields and this guy would wierd me out. i'd change teachers if at all possible. it will be difficult for you to transition as every teacher is hella different, but it sounds as if you are throwing his curve off. when i was in hs i threw the grading scale way off in science and math and those teachers usually screwed with me in a major way. it's bad b/c the student is just really good and wants to max it out, but the teacher sometimes takes it as a personal threat.
transfer if you want to learn or pull back as a slacker.
in my humble opinion, i'm not teaching yet. (that's why i authorized the word "hella")


There's always one. There's always a teacher you will encounter or you would have encountered that wants to play god with a particular student. I had one... pretty much the same as yours Jimmy, she just wanted to play hero and call me on a lot of things I was not even doing!! This was 14 years ago, so even in retrospect...she was wrong.
I am inclined to believe you though, mostly because you brought the problem to these boards knowing that we can not be of any benefit to the situation. Unlike complaining to gramma about it, LOL. But here is one logical explanation, least for me.
Seems kids nowadays are so incredibly disrespectful, and it's OK, because there is absolutely no consequence. Calling your folks is NOT a consequence, and kids WANNA get kicked out of school, :rolleyes: . But when you actually find a kid that respoinds to your punishment or a parent that actually cares, you stear everything that way. Meaning if he called another students mom, and all she said was, "you're wrong, my kid would never do that." as opposed to YOUR mom saying, "Oh my gosh! I didn't know he was behaving like that! I can assure you this problem will be addressed appropriately, and you should not have any further problems out of him." then he's gonna call your mom for everything!! Kinda venting I guess.. But you only got a couple of weeks left so hang in there.
As far as your avatar, your what? 16? Isn't it sad how people judge you by what you display?? ie, your clothes, car...avatar.
Wasn't it some girl? See, I would think that to be normal for a kid your age. But since you had to change it for people to take you seriously you shoulda went with something even more extreme, like maybe a "NYSE" icon, lol!!
Good luck! Keep us posted!


Active Member
take a can of shaving cream and put it in the freezer for a while. than open the can up and put the froozen shaving cream in his desk when it thaws out it will expande many many times over.. j/k it will really do that but i wouldnt do it, see if you can get switched into another math class