I purchased mine fully acclimated to sw he was 3-4 inchs at that time he is now 9inches 4 yrs later.but I did however acclimet sailfin mollies to sw from fw the prosess takes about 2 months to fully aclimate them safely.scats are generaly brackish species until they reach adulthood then they move to the open waters of the ocean coast.most of the information I found about my silver scat was DNR reports from australia very little was written then as for as keeping them in home aquariums .they were accually a game fish such as bass here in the states,now a little more is known about them but I have found it to be inacurate from my experience.in comparison to what I have read rescently from any fish keeping records.they are labled as hard to keep fish lasting no longer than 2 yrs in an aquarium and reaching max length of 4.7 inches.in 4 yrs time my LFS has gotten 2 total in for sale and none previous to that 2nd one being of about 2 months ago.not an easy fish to find at least here in michigan.look how nice he poses for me lol