What to do about cleaning crew eating fish?


Hey there if i get a lion can i still have a cleaning crew i have read a couple of places that say no but just wanted to make sure. Also will a foxface lo be good enough for clean algae and once the algae is gone what can i feed him? Thanks Mad


Active Member
yes you can have a cleaning crew with a lion I used to keep a crew with mine but my puffer ate them lol .as for the foxface I feed mine emerald entrese frozen algae and mysis mix cube.and omega one veggie flakes.once in a while she will get seawead selects as a treat.foxface should be fed 2-3 times per day I do the flakes in the am and frozen at pm feedings .I no longer have a clean up crew in my aggressive tank my foxface and scat do it all


Active Member
I purchased mine fully acclimated to sw he was 3-4 inchs at that time he is now 9inches 4 yrs later.but I did however acclimet sailfin mollies to sw from fw the prosess takes about 2 months to fully aclimate them safely.scats are generaly brackish species until they reach adulthood then they move to the open waters of the ocean coast.most of the information I found about my silver scat was DNR reports from australia very little was written then as for as keeping them in home aquariums .they were accually a game fish such as bass here in the states,now a little more is known about them but I have found it to be inacurate from my experience.in comparison to what I have read rescently from any fish keeping records.they are labled as hard to keep fish lasting no longer than 2 yrs in an aquarium and reaching max length of 4.7 inches.in 4 yrs time my LFS has gotten 2 total in for sale and none previous to that 2nd one being of about 2 months ago.not an easy fish to find at least here in michigan.look how nice he poses for me lol


Do you know the steps for acclimating them? i googled it but didnt come up with any thing. The only one that i have seen at one of my lfs was 60 but it was a ruby scat. the ones that i had for a while i just ordered off of the internet as i too had a hard time finding them for some reason. Also how big is your tank and whats you livestock list? i see a lion in the backgrounfd there. Mine is only a 55 gallon so it maybe a tight squeeze.


Active Member
as i stated in a previous post I did have success in acclimating mollies to full sw but it is very timely proccess. brackish water is normally around 1.010 -1.015 if im not mistaken(never had brackish tanks)I added small amounts of tank water(from sw tank) to there 15 gal tank until it reached its full salt limits of 1.021 this only raised the levels .01 per week.you can also use new sw for this .my agressive is a 125 6 ft tank.this tank is stocked on the heavy side by my standards but they all fair quite well and all seam to be at ease with each other.
my stock is
vol lion almost 1 ft
silver scat 9 inches
bi colored foxface 6 inches
lunear wrasse 7 inches
niger trigger 4 inches
black moray eel almost 2 ft
spiney boxfish puffer 7-8 inches
panther grouper 10-11 inches
black brittle star 10 in accross
emerald crab (maybe still alive he hides alot hehe)3 inches to to toe
to be honest I swear id have to drop kick this fish to kill him he is one of my fist fish ever to be purchased and has outlived all other origanal tank mates.he also eats aiptasia so i never have any in my tank.this scat eats everything. but concidered an herbavore.. is fish poop an herb? lol he sure seams to think so lol there used to be aplase in fla that carried them but they no longer sell fish online so its hard to say where to find one.you could do what I do ,if you have a LFS you fully trust with stocking have them find you one from a reputable supplier.it may take time but im sure they can find you a healthy one some where. hope this helps also if you plan on this fish do concider an upgrade in the future this fish as repeorted by DNR australia get to a diam of 14 inches around but could de well for a yr or so if he has space(a very active fish)