What to do about my refugium???


Well my fuge leaked and it is a CPR AquaFuge Hnag-on. But actually I think the outake tub was just clogged but my dad said I have to get rid of the fuge. I don't want everything in there to die because my main tank has really cheap lighting. I was thinking of putting a 10 gallon tank behind my main tank and turn it into a fuge. I noticed CPR sold over flow boxes which I could use. That would bring water into the fuge but how could I get it out back into the main tank? Anybody have certain products out there that could do this? Any help is appreciated.


Active Member
I dont know how big your tank is or how an HOB refugium works, but is there any way that you could put the fuge inside your tank and get it to work?


Active Member
I dont know how big your tank is or how an HOB refugium works, but is there any way that you could put the fuge inside your tank and get it to work?


No that would be impossible and my father wants me to completely get rid of the whole HOB idea. I just want to place a 10 gallon tank on a stand behind my main tank and use a CPR over flow to get water there but I am unsure on what to get and how to get water back into the main tank...


Well it would be setup like a sump/wetdry concept for plumbing.
The sump or tank is ussually in the stand or on the floor.
The overflow drains to the tank, and is sent back via a return pump.
Just make sure the actual gph for the return pump ,which is determined by the head/length,height of the tubing is not more than the overflow Gph rating.
Usually about 4ft head depending how tall your tank is. So a 700gph pump might be 500 gph at 4 ft head. It should be in the manual of your return pump.
I like to leave a little gph just incase. I have 520gph with a 600 gph overflow.
Buy everything online ofcourse.
A 20g would be better, you need some extra volume for power failures. So a 10 would have about 6g total while a 20 would about 15g depending where your water line is.
So when you pull the plug it should handle the extra volume.
Check with your dad first, he might not like the idea, i was kinda afraid it might leak, but i have had my wetdry for over 2 years with no problems. Also have a 10g fuge running alongside my wetdry.
There are some of sketches of refugium designs in the diy equipment section.