What to Do For Best Reef System


I have a 55g, lr, cleanup crew, 3 corals, 2 damsels, cal, coralvite, techm, iodine, 2 vho lights, skimmer, 2 402 powerheads, 2 filters, and i would like you all's advice on what is needed build an ocean like system with in this tank. Every thing that I have now my plan is to start growing for a larger tank in about 3 years. I want to grow in experience as my smaller tank grow so that when I get the larger i will know what i need to do at that time. This tank has been running for about 8 months.:p


how many watts of VHO do you have. Also, how many gph turnover do you have in the tank. For a reef, you usually want 10-15x.
Depending on what type of corals you want to keep, your lighting amounts will differ. You may also want to consider a 2 part ph/alk buffer with calcium.


I guess what you need to do is ask yourself how successful you have been so far. How has the past 8 months been? Can you keep your levels constant? That is the most important thing. Once you learn your tank and its needs, then you can start with your corals. I have a tank full of softies and recently started cutting/breaking pieces to encourage growth. Its amazing how fast things grow when you cut them. I was scared to do this at first. I have no experience with SPS, but I assume the same concept applies. Once you get your water right and know how to multiply your corals, you will be ready for that big tank and will have great success with it.