What to do for possible power loss?


I am in the northeast and we unfortunately tend to loose power when it is -10 and snowing but I got an electric generator (I know it sounds silly but it works) you plug it in and charge it when you have power obviously and then it will run for 18-24 hours before it dies - you can also charge it in the car - got it at wal-mart - it has saved many a fish (and milk)
Good Luck!!


We bought this before the storms last year and it worked great!! It was about 90$ - Sears.It has a air compresser flashlight and more . You can recharge off your car or a generator. it is called power pack 400 by Xantrex.
second photo is sky before Katrina can. We lucked out here in Palm beach. Our prayers for everyone effected by this storm.


I have two battery operated air pumps.. we were fortunate last year, during the hurricanes we lost our power where I live for about an hour, during the storms.. places accross the street from us lost their power for over a week.