What to do? LFS is killing me. Pack it up or wait


I bought an almost complete setup from the LFS. They are suppose to be good but are giving me serious runaround. I paid $1400 for a stand, 75gal drilled, sump, pump, light and sand. It was installed last month after days of trying to get them out there. The install was subpar at best and the sump that was made was a joke. Now there is a small drip leak from one of the bulkheads. I have been trying to get them back out to fix the problem for 4 weeks and all I get are promises. I finally went to the BBB and about to go to Attorney General for assistance. Shop owner keeps saying he is going to fix but NOTHING. So my predicament is I want everything but have run out of patience and loosing the excitment of fishkeeping. When is enough, enough? If I get too crappy with him I don't want him irritated when fixing, if he ever comes. I can fix myself if I tried but I paid money to have it professionally done. Now he is promising all this cool stuff for free but that isn't the point but inticing. One day I want to keep everything the next day I want to pack it up and take it back. He has posted a "No refunds" sign in the shop which I never know the legality of those. So here is my issue; I am trying to be fair and calm but just being taken for a ride. I had debated about a sump for two months and after agreeing I went this route. I could take it back and go sumpless and be up and running today! I am loosing time and energy!
So do I:
1. Pack it up and take it back and DEMAND a refund knowing it may or may not happen.
2. Keep waiting and bug the crap out of them?


Active Member
IMO i think you should take it back. Withthe assumption that you will get your money back. I would not give them the satisfaction of gaining your business / money. You paid good money for a horrible product / service, DEMAND your money back.
I would continue on the path w/ the BBB and the Attorney Gen. And if he won't give you your money back bug the crap out of him. Call 5 times a day, etc. If you really wanted to have something done about it you might be able to call a local news station and have them do one of those specials on "business screwing people over". That would probably get his/her attention because that could hurt his business. Or on the weekends sit outside his store w/ a picket sign

Just my 2 cents, get your money back - even if he comes out and fixes the equipment he got 1400 from you - i would want the satisfaction of getting my FULL refund OR making sure i stear 1400 dollars worth of business away from him.


no you allready paid for it demand that they come and fix it and do the quality job they promissed the first time around. After they fix it make sure they understand you will unlikely ever shop there again along with some other choice words thrown in. They are there to provide a service don't take their crap and demand someone comes to fix it and if not you'll find someone else/do it yourself. Chances are with a no refund policy you won't be getting your money back ....maybe store credit but they still win.


Active Member
Take pictures of the workmanship, including the leak. Make sure you have all of your receipts for everything. I would give him a deadline for a satisfactory resolution of the job, otherwise you will have an attorney contact him. Secure an attorney (family friend if possible) and have the lawyer write a letter to the lfs owner outlining your intent to either have the work satisfactorily completed or that you will expect a full refund. Doubtful the lfs guy wants legal action. Your other option would be to take him to small claims court, again with all receipts and photos in hand. Also document every phone conversation you have with him(date/time/content/what he says, etc..)
You could also give him an out by demanding a refund for the sump and install. Go sumpless for awhile and then seek out a qualified mfgr and have one built or simply do it yourself. They're not really difficult and you get just want you want. Keep after the guy and don't let too much time lapse or you'll probably end up on the short end.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
Take pictures of the workmanship, including the leak. Make sure you have all of your receipts for everything. I would give him a deadline for a satisfactory resolution of the job, otherwise you will have an attorney contact him. Secure an attorney (family friend if possible) and have the lawyer write a letter to the lfs owner outlining your intent to either have the work satisfactorily completed or that you will expect a full refund. Doubtful the lfs guy wants legal action. Your other option would be to take him to small claims court, again with all receipts and photos in hand. Also document every phone conversation you have with him(date/time/content/what he says, etc..)
You could also give him an out by demanding a refund for the sump and install. Go sumpless for awhile and then seek out a qualified mfgr and have one built or simply do it yourself. They're not really difficult and you get just want you want. Keep after the guy and don't let too much time lapse or you'll probably end up on the short end.
this sounds like pretty darn good advice to me.


How did youpay? credit card? If so take the crap back and leave it on his door step and dispute it with your credit card company..I'd even let him know...because if he is refusing to help and its his crap, then I would put it on him. I'd tell, nicely of course, that if he doesn't help he can have it all back, and I will dispute it with my credit card company. Usually they get their hampster wheel to turning and then help, because what is worse just bitting the bullet and going to taking care of the problem, or loosing time and money?


Originally Posted by nicetry
Take pictures of the workmanship, including the leak. Make sure you have all of your receipts for everything. I would give him a deadline for a satisfactory resolution of the job, otherwise you will have an attorney contact him. Secure an attorney (family friend if possible) and have the lawyer write a letter to the lfs owner outlining your intent to either have the work satisfactorily completed or that you will expect a full refund. Doubtful the lfs guy wants legal action. Your other option would be to take him to small claims court, again with all receipts and photos in hand. Also document every phone conversation you have with him(date/time/content/what he says, etc..)
You could also give him an out by demanding a refund for the sump and install. Go sumpless for awhile and then seek out a qualified mfgr and have one built or simply do it yourself. They're not really difficult and you get just want you want. Keep after the guy and don't let too much time lapse or you'll probably end up on the short end.

agreed..mine sounds hoaky but it could work..but nearly as great as his.


I second that reefkprZ. There is nothing that ticks me off more than piss poor customer service. I'm having an issue right now with my LFS taking back my anemones after he told me they were compatable with my other fish and the damn thing ate em! I know its bad on my part for not researching them first but I thought they were supposed to be the experts. I learned the hard way not to rely on the LFS but luckily found this board and it has been a HUGE help.
Greg, YOU are the customer and should be happy with your purchase. I think NiceTry hit the nail on the head.
i would just keep buggin them and hint towards needing free stuff. i just love free stuff as well as buggin people. i love to fight so much i got married

mr. green

Give him a final do it now or else kind of response. If that does not work, do the following:
1. Pack everything up in the tank, leave it lose and all, but don't damage it.
2. Wait for a busy day when the LFS is packed.
3. Take it into the store and demand you money back and speak loudly of the poor service you have received. The fuss alone in the store can really get someone to fell uncomfortable. Also, do things in person and not on the phone or e-mail.
This take a little guts, but it is effective.
I hate bad customer service, but look into your legal channels as well as your Credit Card Company if you paid it that way. The BBB can also help as well as your local magistrate. The hint of a filing with the courts can sometimes really get a person to move on an issue. I once had the local magistrate call a contractor and ask him if he should sign the papers he had in front of him giving him a last chance. I had a refund that hour, amazing what you can do when you know someone.


If you are that un-happy with it already, the best you can hope for in the future is a (I guess that will work Ok kind of feeling) if they do fix and finish it. You will not be happy with it at this point no matter what you get out of the deal.
IMO…Take it back.


Active Member
Originally Posted by pikapp168
How did youpay? credit card? If so take the crap back and leave it on his door step and dispute it with your credit card company..I'd even let him know...because if he is refusing to help and its his crap, then I would put it on him. I'd tell, nicely of course, that if he doesn't help he can have it all back, and I will dispute it with my credit card company. Usually they get their hampster wheel to turning and then help, because what is worse just bitting the bullet and going to taking care of the problem, or loosing time and money?
I agree with the credit card thing. Hopefully you did pay with a credit card. Your CC company will most definitely pursue it and a attorney may not be necessary. If this was a mom and pop LFS they may be on the edge financially and not even have the money to give you a refund if you ask for it. A sad situation but in many cases true.


How about just asking him nicely to come out on Thursday evening between 6 and 7 o'clock? Give him the date and time you expect him to be available. Let him know that you have been patient and understanding but it has now gone on too long.
Ask him if he'd rather you call a plumber to fix it and would he pay the bill as he is apparently too busy to do it himself. If he agrees write it down and get him to sign it first.


Yeah I paid with CC but they cannot help me at this point since I technically have the mechandise. I am going to just call and bug the crap out of him until I get an anwser and then I will just put some deadlines on him. If I do not get results then I will take it back up there. I just felt crazy like I am the one that was giving him a hard time! Its starting to take the fun out. Appreciate everyones feedback so far.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gregghia
Yeah I paid with CC but they cannot help me at this point since I technically have the mechandise. I am going to just call and bug the crap out of him until I get an anwser and then I will just put some deadlines on him. If I do not get results then I will take it back up there. I just felt crazy like I am the one that was giving him a hard time! Its starting to take the fun out. Appreciate everyones feedback so far.
The merch yes, but what about the service that you have paid for...


Originally Posted by gregghia
Yeah I paid with CC but they cannot help me at this point since I technically have the mechandise. I am going to just call and bug the crap out of him until I get an anwser and then I will just put some deadlines on him. If I do not get results then I will take it back up there. I just felt crazy like I am the one that was giving him a hard time! Its starting to take the fun out. Appreciate everyones feedback so far.
If you take it all back and give it to him...then you no longer have possession of their merchandise. Then you file it with your credit card company. That is how it all works.


Originally Posted by nicetry
Take pictures of the workmanship, including the leak. Make sure you have all of your receipts for everything. I would give him a deadline for a satisfactory resolution of the job, otherwise you will have an attorney contact him. Secure an attorney (family friend if possible) and have the lawyer write a letter to the lfs owner outlining your intent to either have the work satisfactorily completed or that you will expect a full refund. Doubtful the lfs guy wants legal action. Your other option would be to take him to small claims court, again with all receipts and photos in hand. Also document every phone conversation you have with him(date/time/content/what he says, etc..)
You could also give him an out by demanding a refund for the sump and install. Go sumpless for awhile and then seek out a qualified mfgr and have one built or simply do it yourself. They're not really difficult and you get just want you want. Keep after the guy and don't let too much time lapse or you'll probably end up on the short end.
This is definitely the right way to go. I worked at the courthouse in our county before transferring to road dept. and a business was never pleased to see their name listed as the respondent on a small claims petition. My wife has worked in the legal profession for 19 yrs. and agrees. Have an attorney write a letter and state your demands. Give them a time line to respond with results. If you don't receive any satisfaction, file the petition. If you prove your case and get judgement, more than likely you could ask for reimbursement for the filing fee and attorney fee.
Probably wouldn't cost you anything to consult an attorney initially, but check with one and see what they think they can do for you.
If you really think you will enjoy this hobby, don't let this speed bump deter you. Just accept it as a lesson learned. I am very fortunate to have a LFS that will go the extra mile. Even recommending this site to me.


Originally Posted by Pangdonger
This is definitely the right way to go. I worked at the courthouse in our county before transferring to road dept. and a business was never pleased to see their name listed as the respondent on a small claims petition. My wife has worked in the legal profession for 19 yrs. and agrees. Have an attorney write a letter and state your demands. Give them a time line to respond with results. If you don't receive any satisfaction, file the petition. If you prove your case and get judgement, more than likely you could ask for reimbursement for the filing fee and attorney fee.
Probably wouldn't cost you anything to consult an attorney initially, but check with one and see what they think they can do for you.
If you really think you will enjoy this hobby, don't let this speed bump deter you. Just accept it as a lesson learned. I am very fortunate to have a LFS that will go the extra mile. Even recommending this site to me.