What to do on a 10 day vacation?


I have some of the battery powered feeders, so that's not a problem, but the algae on the front glass will be terrible! Would it hurt to set the light timers down to maybe 4 hours a day just so we don't get such a big mess? I have several corals, open brain, leather, mushrooms, polyps, button coral, rose anenomes.

ny reef

I would not make drastic changes like that Is there anyone you would trust to keep an eye on it?? <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" />


Active Member
I wouldn't leave my tank without someone to check on it. I have a housesitter come (I also have two dogs a cat and a bird). My tank evaporates enough in just two days that the salinity would be too high. Do you have an automatic water topper? I would at least have someone check it every 2-3 days even then I would think you would be taking a risk. I have a two page print out of tank instructions for my housesitter. You might want to check with a LFS, some of them have aquarium services and they will check on your tank for you. I am sure for a tidy sum.


My advice is have someone come and check it, and make sure to plan everything out and leave very detailed instructions...
When I leave town, I put out everything they will need on the table so they dont have to root around under my tank. If I am having someone feed my fish, I put what I want them fed in individual baggies marked with the day they are to be fed. I also have top off water ready right next to it, and I tape a piece of masking tape on the corner of the tank. If the water level gets to the top of the tape, I have them add the water to the sump.
It may sound anal, but I don't have to worry (as much) while I am away...
Hope this helps,


Great advice you all! I am going away for 4 days and was getting ready to post the same question. I love the idea of the bags labled with the days to feed! Thanks so much!


My tank is a big one, 137 gallons plus probably 20 gallons in the sump. I don't get enough evaporation in a 10 day period to change the salinity hardly at all. Although the lady that comes to check the cats can add water if she needs to. She's just unable to clean the front for me since she had bad hands from carpal tunnal and I was hoping to keep the front from being completely algae covered when I come home. Do you think it would be OK to have the lights on for less time during the day? I have 440 watts of VHO.