what to do to get rid of ammonia????



Originally Posted by m0nk
Well, it's like the whole "tang" debate. Someone might come along and say you can do it if you want to, but for the sake of the eel's health, I suggest against it. Feel free to do what you want, but I'm sure there will be several others that recommend against it too. If you really have your heart set on it, then buy a bigger tank.
im not meaning to offend you but
1.i dont have the money for a bigger tank
2.another guy had the exact stock list i mentioned and he didnt have a problem with the eels length
3.i cant believe its not butter


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497

im not meaning to offend you but
1.i dont have the money for a bigger tank
2.another guy had the exact stock list i mentioned and he didnt have a problem with the eels length
3.i cant believe its not butter

Then honestly, I'd wait to get the eel then.

As far as someone else having the same stocklist in the same size tank, this comes back to the tang debate that rages on.... for every one person that has this setup and says everything is fine, there are likely countless dozens that things don't/didn't work out well for. I would never use what someone else has as the sole gauge for what I can or can't do. If I were you, I'd start a thread in the nano or fish discussion section with the exact question of having an eel in a 24g Aquapod and see what responses you get. It will at least help you make a much more informed decision.


Originally Posted by m0nk
Then honestly, I'd wait to get the eel then.

As far as someone else having the same stocklist in the same size tank, this comes back to the tang debate that rages on.... for every one person that has this setup and says everything is fine, there are likely countless dozens that things don't/didn't work out well for. I would never use what someone else has as the sole gauge for what I can or can't do. If I were you, I'd start a thread in the nano or fish discussion section with the exact question of having an eel in a 24g Aquapod and see what responses you get. It will at least help you make a much more informed decision.
well i think either way id get the eel


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
well i think either way id get the eel

Well, at this point I'll just say good luck, hope I'm wrong and that things work the way you want (though it's not likely), and likely won't offer any other advice.


Originally Posted by m0nk
Well, at this point I'll just say good luck, hope I'm wrong and that things work the way you want (though it's not likely), and likely won't offer any other advice.
are you mad????i didnt mean to offend you....ive just been looking forward to getting an eel for a while


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
are you mad????i didnt mean to offend you....ive just been looking forward to getting an eel for a while
Not mad, I just think people need to make responsible and informed decisions if it may have an impact on the health of a fish. If people offer you advice in this matter, and you go against that advice, why would those same people want to offer additional advice if you didn't heed the original? Of course, some people might just want their post count to go up...


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
well i just made a thread in the fish discussion section but nobodys answered me yet

I'm sure someone will come along, it's the end of the work-day so a lot of people are probably signing-off before going home to sign back on. Like me.

I'm at least pleased that you started a thread, and I didn't mean to seem harsh, just wanted to help in the best way I can.


This is a very hardy eel, but an escape artist. A 50 gallon or larger aquarium with plenty of live rock and a tightly fit canopy is ideal. Most of the eels that are lost in an aquarium are due to poorly sealed tanks. The Snowflake Eel is safe to house with any fish it cannot easily swallow. It can be housed with some invertebrates, like anemones and corals, but not crustaceans.
There's some info on the snowflake eel that I got from another site. Thought this might help you out! : ) It does recommend a larger tank which I also agree with but if your gonna go ahead and put it in a smaller one make sure you don't have small fish in with it that it can eat! Good Luck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497

Honestly, after seeing other people's responses, it sounds like the only solution is to wait until you do have the money to get a bigger tank.


Originally Posted by m0nk
Honestly, after seeing other people's responses, it sounds like the only solution is to wait until you do have the money to get a bigger tank.
but that one guy has one


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
but that one guy has one

Yeah, I and other people commented on that one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
well i think i might get it then keep till it gets too big

If you go that route, honestly, don't expect a lot of help. People advised you against it, and if you get it and have trouble, everyone's response is simply going to be "you shouldn't have that eel in there in the first place". I again don't mean this to sound harsh, but you seem to have the teenage mentality of "I know you tell me this isn't what's best for me but I'm going to go and do it anyway". It's not a healthy mentality to have, and in this hobby it will cost you money and cost fish their lives. Much more experienced people here are trying to help you make an informed decision, so just know that if you go and do it, those are what the consequences will be.


If you like eel-like fish so much, get an engineer goby. You can get one that starts out at 1", and watch it grow. The cool thing about these fish is they build extensive underground and under-rock tunnels, which is really cool to watch. The stripes on their bodies start to turn to horizontal bars, which mine is starting to do as well.
I was like you, I had my heart set on an eel-like fish, and I went with the engineer goby. He's awesome - my favorite fish.
If you do get the eel in the 24 gallon, I would make him the only inhabitant, and create plenty of rockwork.
I just think it's going to look like the eel is in a prison as soon as you put him in there. And I dont see how you would get enjoyment out of watching a fish live like that.
As far as your approach to your aquarium...you DEFINATELY need to learn some patience. I want I want i want is a BAD attitude to have when you dont have the $$$$. From the sounds of it, you have no experience. No experience and no patience and the "I want" approach is going to end bad.
Take a chill pill and let the tank progress slowly.