I need some help as far as taking care of a reef while you’re on vacation or just won't be getting home on time. I use B-Ionic everyday and I feed my corals every other day. I have my tank for almost a year now and with all that has been going on (new house, 2 year old, and one that is due right now :nervous: ) I worry about missing a day. Also we used to vacation a few times a year, but we haven't taken one since last June. Then I went from FOWLR to a Reef. Space is an issue, because I have it as a foyer piece. It really is great looking as the first thing people see when they come over your house and everybody stops to talk about it. It is a 75 gal Oceanic tank and stand with the canopy. I would like to keep everything isolated to under the tank. I do have a RO unit located in the Kitchen and I can run an auto top through the wall and cabinets to the tank, but my concern is calcium and phytoplankton. I am open to all suggestions and feel free to recommend products regardless of price.