what to do with 37g?


There is currently a beautiful 37g glass cube aquarium at the fish store with a glass top (plenty of room for lights) and I really would like to purchase it and turn it into a reef tank. I am new to saltwater tanks, but I own 2 freswhater so I'm not a complete newbie. I know that the shape of this tank would look really great as a reef tank so I'm wondering what types of coral/anenome would be good for this tank and what fish/invertebrates would work well in this size. I would REALLY like to have at least a few fish, just to keep that in mind. Any suggestions? :)


Active Member
do lots and lots and lots of reading.
also, take your fw knowledge and flush it. i had the same 'tude coming in, and i paid for it.
oh yeah, did i mention do lots of reading?


Originally posted by ivy2dw7
There is currently a beautiful 37g glass cube aquarium at the fish store with a glass top (plenty of room for lights) and I really would like to purchase it and turn it into a reef tank. I am new to saltwater tanks, but I own 2 freswhater so I'm not a complete newbie. I know that the shape of this tank would look really great as a reef tank so I'm wondering what types of coral/anenome would be good for this tank and what fish/invertebrates would work well in this size. I would REALLY like to have at least a few fish, just to keep that in mind. Any suggestions? :)
For any type of coral you would need special lighting PC, VHO or MHs. For an anemone you would need MHs.


Here's a list of the supplies I'd probably be using to set the tank up:
Millenium 2000 filter
Max Jet 600 powerhead
Sea Clone 100 Protein Skimmer
150watt submersible heater
30lbs Aragamax Reef Sand
30lbs SeaFloor Reeer Sand
Coral Light
50g salt mix
The guy at the fish store says this is everything he uses on his 37g and it's in great condition.


Originally posted by ivy2dw7
Here's a list of the supplies I'd probably be using to set the tank up:
Millenium 2000 filter
Max Jet 600 powerhead
Sea Clone 100 Protein Skimmer
150watt submersible heater
30lbs Aragamax Reef Sand
30lbs SeaFloor Reeer Sand
Coral Light
50g salt mix
The guy at the fish store says this is everything he uses on his 37g and it's in great condition.
Sounds like a good plan, but i would run 2 powerheads and use LiveRock 1 to 1 1/2lbs per gallon of water. I also would seed the sand bed with LiveSand.
For a Protein Skimmer I would recommend a AquaC Remora or a CPR BakPak. I have heard mixed things about the Seaclones good and bad....but they are much cheaper.
The Coral Light would most likely be a PC (Power Compact) and you would be able to care for Soft Coral and some LPS coral.
The Millenium 2000 filter will work, but I like the Penguin 280 or 400 for charcoal and other media.
I can send you some links for online ordering that might save you some money if you would like to
Email Me


New Member
Go with the Remora. EVERYONE that has a SeaClone has to make modifications or just wishes they wuda got something else. i have the remora and it works great