what to do with a 75gl tank?


sinner's girl

Our 75gl holds one big ol' damsel, one hermit and some live rock. the damsel would of course have to go if we added anything new. (the damsel came with the tank)
I want to do something with the tank. What fish (hardy sinner says) would do well in a 75gl? I want color and personality.
I love clowns....how many can be kept together?
Would a six-line get along with clowns? What about a tang? (I know not very hardy).
How much lr do I need for a 6-line (I was told before I couldn't get one b/c i didn't have enough lr in the 55gl). Will more than one get along together?
Trigger? (or is 75gl too small? the 75gl came with a trigger but he died...due to cycle caused by the move).
I'm just looking for ideas. I'm setting up short term and long term savings (long term is for a down payment on a house some day). my idea for short term was doing something with the 75gl.
Thanks, I know it's a lot of questions. any ideas are good.


Active Member
What a terrific problem to have:rolleyes:
I guess now you need to decide what direction you're going in - community or aggressive. Doesn't sound like you want reef at this time. I think both have their advantages. But for more aggressive fish (eels, triffers, puffers etc.) I like having a bit more space. So for a 75 I'd say community:
How about
: pair of clowns (try to find a mated pair) a goby or some sort, perhaps a baslet, a cardinal and if you don't want shrimp a hawk. If you want shrimp then maybe a pygmy angel once the tank breaks in for a few more months.
Good Luck!