What to do with all this snail poop!!!


I have been trying to siphon out the huge amount of snail poo that seems to be collecting from my 9 turbo snails, 4 nassarius snails and 2 astraea snails. I only have one hermit crab in there at the moment,a decorator sponge crab and one coral banded shrimp for my 90 gallon. It just seems to collect faster than I can get it out and the siphon tends to make a bigger mess of things. What will eat all this poo? Will hermits? Also only things that are reef safe! It is as though I am housing elephants!



Active Member
I have never heard of this problem...LOL

I have a bunch of huge snails and have never had this problem. I would also suggest more flow. Make sure you have no dead spots on the sand bed and you shouldn't have build up of anything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 9supratt4
I have never heard of this problem...LOL

I have a bunch of huge snails and have never had this problem. I would also suggest more flow. Make sure you have no dead spots on the sand bed and you shouldn't have build up of anything.
Yeah, this shouldn't be a concern at all. Just let it decompose and your bio-filter should handle it. Any organic matter like this should disappear quickly, regardless of water flow. But, the flow will help get the stuff to any mechanical filter and out of sight. (A little.) The whole idea of a bio-filter is to let stuff rot away without poisoning your tank.